ReThink HK 2024 puts sustainability at the forefront of Hong Kong’s development
The HKYLP offers young professionals from the public, private, and civil society sectors a ground-breaking platform to engage in cross-sectoral collaboration, cultivating mindset shifts and behaviours for leadership in the 21st century.
GreenBird leverages with Microsoft Azure to offer a real-time analysis waste management system to Nan Fung Property Management (NFPM)
ESG practices can impact a company’s prospects and value, with ESG leaders broadly generating higher valuations and returns.
GBA’s first ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) index, launched by HSBC last year, has been used to track progress of ESG movement within the area.
Championing businesses for impact and supporting community to be future ready.
Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) is proven to achieve energy savings of 15%
Find out how CaSO (HK) Engineering Company is contributing to the sustainable development of the construction industry with the help of HSBC’s holistic banking support.
HSBC is committed to supporting businesses in the GBA to grow in new economy, healthcare and sustainable development. Our dedicated GBA funds can support the financial needs of fast-growing companies to purse their expansion plans in the region.