Key Visual for Net Zero and Nature Positive Theatre
Key Visual for Net Zero and Nature Positive Theatre

Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

Day 1 – Thursday 12 Sept AM


ReThink HK kicks-off with the Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address, live-streamed across the event. Government and private sector leaders will explore the current state of play in Hong Kong as well as discuss key issues that all organisations face in the race to net zero.

The opening programme will also address the challenges businesses are facing as Hong Kong transitions to mandatory disclosure and the complexities of measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions.

09:20 – 09:50

Opening Ceremony

09:20 – 09:50

ReThink HK kicks-off with the Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address, live-streamed across the event. Government and private sector leaders will explore the current state of play in Hong Kong as well as discuss key issues that all organisations face in the race to net zero.

The opening programme will also address the challenges businesses are facing as Hong Kong transitions to mandatory disclosure and the complexities of measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions.


Chris Brown

Founder & Director

Chris has 20 years of experience working on large-scale business events. Originally from the UK, Chris has lived and worked in Hong Kong since 2015. Chris moved to Hong Kong to establish a North Asia office for a London-based trade expo organiser and launch a series of digital transformation events. The challenges of living sustainably and a developing concern around the exponential threats of the global climate emergency compelled Chris to “rethink” his own personal contribution to Hong Kong and how he could best make a positive impact on a city he now proudly calls home.

Chris conceived, designed and launched the ReThink HK event during the first part of 2019 – undeterred by the challenges faced by live events at that time, due to civil unrest, the new event concept for uniting the full business and sustainability ecosystem, championing positive action and shared responsibility received excellent support. The inaugural 2020 event was, unsurprisingly, delayed due to COVID but finally ran, in-person, at the K11 Quarry Bay with 450 attendees and all delegate fees were donated to local charities.

Chris’ experience in hosting content-led expo-style healthcare events in the UK, where partnerships and collaboration were crucial to scale and success, provided the foundation for Chris to widen the supporting-network of organisations and sponsors for ReThink HK. The event was moved to the HKCEC for the 2021 edition and resulted in Hong Kong’s best attended event dedicated to the business of sustainability, with over 2,200 attendees. Chris is proud to have maintained the event’s impact pledge; with all delegate fees contributing to impact projects with local Hong Kong charities.

Working alongside the Business Environment Council, Consulates and trade promotion offices, Chambers of Commerce, specialist industry associations, NGOs and action groups the collective ambition for ReThink HK is to accelerate change in Hong Kong – the event returns for its fourth edition this September at the HKCEC, will host over 6,000 attendees and aims to be at least carbon neutral.

All proceeds from delegate fees will be redirected to the newly incorporated Rethink Foundation, a not-for-profit focussed on helping registered NGOs build capacity and operate more sustainably.

Chris received a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Italian from the University of Plymouth (UK). Chris is a member of the British Chamber of Commerce’s Social Sustainability Committee, sits on the Executive Committee and the Sustainability sub-committee of the Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry Association.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

  • Greater action from businesses to contribute towards a more sustainable HK
  • Encourage other event organisers to commit to sustainable solutions
  • Demonstrate that businesses can be operated profitably and with purpose

09:50 – 10:00

Opening Address

09:50 – 10:00

10:00 – 10:50

Sustainable Horizons: Hong Kong’s Progress on the Road to Net Zero

10:00 – 10:50

Facing climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, global efforts to enforce environmental regulations are driving businesses toward sustainability and compliance, while fostering social responsibility. Central to this movement is the shift towards net-zero emissions, a transformation that goes beyond meeting regulatory demands to fundamentally changing business operations for long-term sustainability.

This session will bring together esteemed leaders as we explore the impacts and opportunities of these changes. Offering insightful discussions and expert guidance, the conference aims to equip businesses with the tools to thrive in this changing landscape, highlighting the role of regulatory changes in driving a sustainable, resilient future for Hong Kong’s business sector.


  • How are some of Hong Kong’s most complex organisations working to engage internal and external ecosystems to navigate climate action across multiple industries and geographies?
  • What systemic changes and partnerships are needed to help us execute climate commitments, and turn transition risks to opportunities?
  • How can we work together to tackle challenges, while maintaining growth ambitions and shareholder value creation?
  • How can leadership companies leverage innovation to inspire ambition and drive solutions to reduce our carbon footprint over the next five to ten years? What are our biggest barriers?
  • What impact are businesses feeling with new regulations being enforced?

Post-event Actions

  • Gain insights on leading organisations’ carbon reduction approaches and cross-industry solutions.
  • Rethink actions that your company and industry should focus on over the next ten years to turn risks into leadership opportunities, and make meaningful impact at the scale needed to address today’s most pressing climate challenges.
  • Understand why business leaders have a compelling and common interest to work along each other and ensure the transformation of every aspect of industry to contribute to a net-zero economy by 2050


Dr Margaret Burnett

University of Hong Kong

Programme Director

Currently the Programme Director for the Master of Social Science in Sustainability Leadership and Governance, in the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the University of Hong Kong. Margaret has developed this Master programme to enhance learning, grow deeper understanding, and enable professionals to implement sustainability initiatives across all roles. Empowering both students and clients to integrate sustainability into personal and core organizational decision-making processes as this is time critical and, the focus the programme. She is often a guest speaker, and partners with organizations to provide support to their in-house sustainability strategies, currently through the lens of climate change related factors, and mechanisms for greater stakeholder engagement.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

For leaders, at all levels, to put into action significant changes to their operating environment given the tools at their disposal, and a greater level of authentic collaboration that truly seeks human-centric solutions. Let’s be on the right side of the climate change battle!

11:00 – 11:25

Opening Programme: Session Details Coming Soon

11:00 – 11:25

11:25 – 12:15

Managing Climate Risk & Opportunities: Hong Kong’s Mandatory Disclosure

11:25 – 12:15

The mix of reporting standards is becoming increasingly complex as the number of options increases. With sustainability as a critical global issue, governments, organizations, and investors focus on sustainability regulatory standards and mandatory disclosure. This session aims to shed light on the significance of sustainability standards, the evolving regulatory landscape, and the implications of mandatory disclosure for businesses and investors as new climate-related disclosures are required in Hong Kong by 2025.

During this session, we will explore the current state of sustainability regulatory standards and their impact on various industries. We will delve into the key frameworks and guidelines, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), among others. By understanding these standards, delegates will gain insights into the expectations placed on organizations regarding sustainability performance measurement and reporting.

Throughout the session, we will hear from industry experts, and sustainability leaders who have first-hand experience navigating sustainability regulatory standards and their journey to mandatory disclosure. They will share their insights, best practices, and success stories, providing practical guidance to participants.


  • What is the evolving landscape of regulations and standards related to mandatory disclosure?
  • What are the differences in the key regulatory frameworks and guidelines?
  • What action must business take to ensure they are on track for mandatory disclosures?

Post-event Actions

  • Gain insights into the expectations placed on organizations regarding sustainability performance measurement and reporting.

12:15 – 13:05

The Scope 3 Challenge

12:15 – 13:05

This session will explore the complexities of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, which occur in a company’s value chain. These emissions are often the largest share of a corporation’s carbon footprint and can be the most challenging to manage due to their indirect nature. The panel will explore strategies for businesses to effectively measure, report, and reduce these emissions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with suppliers and customers to achieve meaningful reductions.


  • What are the challenges associated with measuring Scope 3 emissions?
  • How can you engage with suppliers and customers to encourage and facilitate emission reductions?

Post-event Actions

  • Understanding what Scope 3 is and be able to create a baseline to create a framework for action.
  • Understand the innovative approaches and technologies to mitigate Scope 3 emissions.

Day 1 – Thursday 12 Sept PM


The challenges faced in Hong Kong extend beyond the region and are global in nature. This programme, A Global Approach to Change aims to explore and understand strategies and approaches implemented both in Hong Kong and overseas that have successfully addressed key issues, with the intention of adapting and implementing them on a global scale for maximum impact. This program centres around three key topics: Green Fintech, Water and the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors.

In partnership with

14:10 – 14:50

Global Approach to Change: Session Details Coming Soon

14:10 – 14:50

14:50 – 15:40

Futureproofing Water in a Changing Climate Corporate Innovation & Adaptation

14:50 – 15:40

Water is the resource most vulnerable to climate change yet it’s the only resource we cannot survive without. Beyond quenching our thirst, we need water to grow food, generate power, mine and manufacture goods from fashion to electronics. It is an invaluable asset but with every degree of warming, threats to water security also increase. By 2050, 31% of global GDP worth US$70 trillion and 60% of the world’s population could be exposed to extremely high water stress for at least one month a year . Seas are also rising faster than we think redrawing coastlines & forcing migration unless we adapt. Given this, it is not surprising that leading corporates are innovating to adapt and thrive. Join us to find out how HK based corporates are driving global change to futureproof water
revolutionising industries with water in mind, carrying out water stress tests, striving for water neutrality plus more.


  • Why are companies taking action now to protect water? What exactly was the impetus?
  • What do they view as the biggest short and long term water and climate risks?
  • How are water and climate risks viewed & managed in the companies? Are they board level risks? Are they integrated into risk management?
  • What are these innovations & how do they come up with them? Where can other companies start?
  • What are the benefits of taking this protective action? How do they balance this against the investment ($, time, people +)?

Post-event Actions

  • Leave with an understanding of urgent water and climate risks and why they matter/ are material to companies
  • Be inspired and see that it’s possible for companies to innovate to protect water and that it is being done by Hong Kong companies
  • Leave with an understanding of the range of actions companies can take to protect water from operations to supply chains and setting ambitious corporate targets to future proofing portfolios


Debra Tan

Director & Head

Tan heads CWR, a non-profit that aims to “mainstream” water and climate risks into financial decision-making and corporate strategies. Today, CWR’s work on the assessing and valuing risk exposure to rising freshwater scarcity to coastal threats, is highlighted as tools and useful resources under the IFRS’s CDSB Application Guidance for Water-Related Disclosures and feature in Palgrave MacMillan textbooks. Tan is also a contributing author to the latest IPCC 6th Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Adapting to rising water risks in a new climate future

Supported by

15:40 – 16:30

Accelerating Decarbonisation in Hard to Abate Sectors

15:40 – 16:30

This session targets the critical challenge of cutting carbon emissions in industries where such efforts are most difficult. These sectors contribute approximately 20% of global emissions and face significant hurdles due to technological, economic, or practical constraints.

We will delve into the innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies that hold the promise of transforming these stubborn sectors. From advancements in green energy to novel carbon capture methods, the focus will be on viable solutions that can pave the way for substantial emissions reductions.

The discussion will extend to collaborative efforts and policy frameworks that support the decarbonisation journey. By bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, and technology innovators, we aim to foster a dialogue that accelerates the pace of change. Join us as we explore the pathways and potential for achieving meaningful decarbonisation in the sectors where it is hardest yet most crucial.


  • What are the key challenges to decarbonise the Hard to Abate Sectors?
  • How are companies using innovation and technology to reach their sustainability goals in these sectors?
  • What collaborative efforts among industry leaders, policymakers, and technology innovators are essential?

Post-event Actions

  • Leave with an understanding of how the hard-to-abate sectors are a large part of our journey to net zero and the urgency behind their decarbonisation.
  • Be able to understand realistic pathways to achieve carbon neutrality in the hard to abate sectors.

16:30 – 17:20

Green Fintech: Driving the Transition in China

16:30 – 17:20

Day 2 – Friday 13 Sept AM


More than half of the world’s GDP depends heavily on functioning natural ecosystems. As climate change and human ecosystem destruction exacerbate the loss of nature, businesses become increasingly aware of the material risks from nature loss for their long-term success and resilience. At the same time, companies are discovering opportunities to incorporate nature and biodiversity into business strategies to ensure long-term viability of business models, stable supply chains, access to new markets and offerings, and improved relationships with stakeholders. This programme will explore these nature-based solutions, the blue economy as well as how nature related finance disclosures are essential to the biodiversity landscape.

In partnership with

09:45 – 09:55

Opening Address

09:45 – 09:55

10:05 – 10:10

Opening Welcome: Business & Nature

10:05 – 10:10

Supported by

10:10 – 10:40

Making the Business Case for Safeguarding Nature

10:10 – 10:40

The Global Biodiversity Framework clearly recognizes the role of businesses and financial institutions in achieving all the targets of the framework and a growing community of these actors recognise they cannot sustainably grow their business, or achieve their climate goals, without protecting and restoring nature. This 30-minute fireside chat explores how businesses are responding to the Nature Positive Challenge and what assistance is at hand to help.


Supported by

10:40 – 11:30

Nature Calls – Working with Business to Build Back Biodiversity

10:40 – 11:30

As Hong Kong develops and implements its Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for the next 10 years, this panel session addresses the business challenge of accounting for biodiversity and examines local opportunities for innovative public private partnerships.

Supported by

11:30 – 11:35

Rethinking the Blue Economy

11:30 – 11:35

Supported by

11:35 – 12:25

Unlocking the Potential of a Sustainable Blue Economy

11:35 – 12:25

A sustainable blue economy is an approach to economic development that seeks to promote the long-term health and sustainable use of ocean resources. In this session, our aim is to explore the immense potential and critical importance of harnessing our oceans and marine resources in a sustainable and responsible manner. Join us as we delve into how businesses can align their practices with sustainability goals at every stage of the value chain, while showcasing innovative solutions that accelerate the transformative power of sustainable blue practices.

Learn from industry experts and thought leaders who will share their insights, experiences, and best practices, providing valuable guidance on adopting sustainable approaches within various sectors.


  • What are the principles of the sustainable Blue Economy and how can we ensure the long-term health, resilience and sustainable use of the ocean resources?

Post-event Action

  • Gain insights into best practices when protecting our ocean and resources.
  • Rethink actions that your company engage in with the Blue Economy, and what they key focuses will be over the next 10 years.
  • Learn how multi-sector collaborations can contribute to the movement towards a Sustainable Blue Economy.

Supported by

12:25 – 13:15

Nature-Positive Development: Harnessing the Power of Nature for Sustainable Growth

12:25 – 13:15

Nature-positive development is an approach that recognizes the intrinsic value of nature and seeks to integrate it into economic activities and development plans. It aims to ensure that economic growth and human well-being are achieved in harmony with the conservation and restoration of ecosystems. This discussion session will explore the concept of nature-positive development, its principles, and its potential to drive sustainable and resilient growth. We will examine case studies and lessons learned from businesses that have successfully incorporated nature into their strategies, and discuss the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration for achieving nature-inclusive development goals.


  • What are the economic advantages for businesses in implementing Nature Based Solutions?
  • What are the unique opportunities and challenges present in these regions and examine how experiences from other areas can shape and inform local Nature based Solutions strategies?
  • How Nature based Solutions can contribute to risk reduction, increased resilience, and improved operational efficiency for businesses?

Post-event Actions

  • Be able to discuss the unique opportunities and challenges present in these regions and examine how experiences from other areas can shape and inform local Nature Based Solutions strategies.
  • Exchange valuable insights from global initiatives and best practices in implementing Nature based Solutions and explore their applicability in the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong

Supported by

Day 2 – Friday 13 Sept PM


“Mobilising Collective Action for Climate Emergency” is designed to act as a pivotal platform for driving a unified and effective response to the urgent challenge posed by the climate emergency. Recognising the dire need for immediate action, this programme brings together a diverse group of leaders, innovators, policymakers, and activists committed to fostering climate adaptation, resilience, and sustainable transition planning. Through an array of impactful keynote speeches, dynamic panel discussions, and interactive workshops, participants will navigate the multifaceted dimensions of climate science, assess the socio-economic repercussions of climate change, and formulate collaborative strategies for a resilient transition to a sustainable future.

This section aims to inspire a collaborative ethos, galvanize multi-stakeholder engagement, and instill a profound sense of urgency and collective responsibility in addressing the climate emergency. By showcasing effective models of climate adaptation and resilience, groundbreaking advancements in sustainable technology, and powerful narratives of community-led action, we seek to empower attendees with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary for spearheading transition planning within their communities and industries. Embrace this opportunity to be part of a transformative movement for collaborative action towards climate emergency, where every participant contributes to shaping a resilient, sustainable, and equitable world for generations to come.

In partnership with

14:10 – 14:15

Opening Welcome: Mobilising Collective Action for Climate Emergency

14:10 – 14:15

Supported by

14:15 – 14:35

Power in Unity: Collaborating for Climate Resilience

14:15 – 14:35

Collective action stands as a pivotal force in the battle against the climate emergency, underscoring the critical importance of collaboration among companies. In an era marked by escalating environmental challenges, the synergy between businesses acts as a catalyst for innovative solutions and sustainable outcomes. By pooling resources, sharing best practices, and aligning on climate goals, corporations can amplify their impact, pushing the envelope on what is achievable in sustainability. This united front not only accelerates progress towards a low-carbon economy but also sets a powerful example of responsible leadership, demonstrating that in the face of global challenges, collaboration is beneficial and essential. 


  • How does collaboration among corporations amplify their impact on addressing environmental challenges? 
  • In what ways do shared practices among businesses foster innovation in sustainability? 
  • Why is united action by corporations crucial for driving substantial progress towards a sustainable future? 

Post-event Actions: 

  • Reflect on the importance of how business can drive environmental change through partnership and shared responsibility 

Supported by

14:35 – 15:25

Climate Resilience and Adaptation Approach for Hong Kong Businesses

14:35 – 15:25

In Hong Kong, the business sector faces acute challenges from climate emergency, necessitated by its dense urban environment and economic structure. Rising sea levels, intensifying typhoons, and escalating temperatures pose significant risks to infrastructure, supply chains, and operational viability. For businesses, resilience and adaptation are not just environmental responsibilities but strategic imperatives crucial for sustainable growth and competitiveness. Innovating towards resilience allows companies to pre-empt climate risks, ensure continuity, and tap into new opportunities presented by the sustainable economy. Thus, in the context of Hong’s Kong’s vibrant but vulnerable economic landscape, building adaptive and resilient business practices is paramount for enduring success in the face of environmental uncertainties. 


  • What steps can businesses take to mitigate climate risks like rising sea levels and extreme weather in Hong Kong? 
  • How can business collaborate to improve supply chain resilience against climate change? 
  • What kind of collaboration with government will support the business sector in overcome extreme weather event? 

Post-event Actions: 

  • Rethink climate resilience in a more extreme setting. 
  • Understand what kind of collaboration and the latest implement from business and the government will help supporting the city-wide resilience discussion. 

Supported by

15:35 – 16:25

Strategic Transition Planning for a Lower-Carbon Future

15:35 – 16:25

In the face of escalating climate challenges, Hong Kong businesses stand at a crucial juncture requiring immediate and strategic action towards sustainability and decarbonisation. Transition planning for a lower-carbon future is vital, not only for mitigating environmental impact but also for ensuring long-term business resilience and competitiveness in the global market. As international regulatory landscapes evolve and consumer demand for sustainable practices grows, companies without clear net-zero strategies risk falling behind. Implementing transition plans allows Hong Kong businesses to lead in innovation, engage with different stakeholders, and contribute significantly to the city’s long-term climate targets, marking a critical step in both environmental stewardship and economic advancement. 


  • How can corporations plan for strategic transition planning? 
  • What best practices exist for engaging stakeholders in a company’s transition? 
  • What are the barriers and difficulties do corporations encounter when transitioning to a lower-carbon business model? 

Post-event Actions: 

  • Get to know how corporations implement strategic transition planning and its importance  
  • Understand the best practices in stakeholder engagement in transition towards a lower-carbon economy 
  • Reflect on difficulties that corporations encounter while conducting strategic transition planning and how they overcome the problems 

Supported by

All sessions are subject to change.