Co-Headline Theatre Sponsor

Buildings & Facilities Theatre

Buildings & Facilities Theatre

Co-Headline Theatre Sponsor

Day 1 – Thursday 12 Sept


Driving sustainability in the built environment is undoubtedly one of the critical strategies for advancing the city towards carbon neutrality. Given the urgency of pressing global environmental challenges, it becomes more vital to expedite the carbon neutrality agenda with greater effort and impact.

The Rethinking Built Spaces – Propelling Sustainable Built Environment Towards Net-Zero Carbon is designed to discuss from various perspectives, research, certifications, financing, technology and innovation advancement, highlighting the key strategies for transcending the built environment towards net-zero carbon.

Programme Sponsor

In partnership with

Supported by

11:00 – 11:05

Opening Welcome: Rethinking Built Spaces

11:00 – 11:05

Supported by

11:15 – 12:05

Unleashing Existing Buildings’ Potential for Decarbonisation

11:15 – 12:05

This session aims to bring vigorous dialogue to how cross-sectoral collaboration can maximise the effectiveness and impact of retrofitting the existing building stock while achieving decarbonisation and financing goals. From research, data analysis, benchmarking, and sharing of best practices, to financing perspectives, the session will offer a comprehensive discussion of this challenging topic.


Christine Loh

Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment

Christine Loh is Chief Development Strategist at Institute for the Environment at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Scholar in Residence at Asia Society Hong Kong (2023-24). She serves on the boards of CDP Worldwide, Global Maritime Forum, New Forests Pty Limited, and Towngas Smart Energy. She is a published author of many academic and popular works; her latest book is on COVID-19 from a global governance perspective.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To help bring sustainability come ‘alive’ in class and in community.

Travis Kan

Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited

Director, Digital Energy, Power Products and Industrial Automation

As the Director of Schneider Electric Hong Kong’s Digital Energy, Power Products and Industrial Automation, Travis Kan drives the company’s energy management and industrial automation businesses via strategic initiatives, digital solutions, marketing, and partnerships. He serves as a trusted partner in delivering solutions towards carbon neutrality, working closely with end users, consultants and contractors to bring the latest innovations to the market.
Travis is a strong business development professional with a wealth experience in the energy industry. His previous roles span Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Business Development and General Management. Prior to re-joining Schneider Electric in 2023, he worked with leading companies, including General Electric and CLP, gaining a comprehensive pool of solid experience in power generation, transmission and distribution, control and automation, building energy management, and digital solutions.

A Fellow of The Energy Institute in the United Kingdom, Travis also serves as a part-time guest lecturer for various universities in Hong Kong.

Supported by

12:05 – 13:05

Catalysing Green Building Technology in Hong Kong and Beyond the Borders

12:05 – 13:05

This session will explore the opportunities for green building development driven by emerging technologies, with compelling cross-border case studies.


Daniele Gambero

REI Group of Companies / Malaysia Proptech Association

Group CEO & Co-founder / President

Dr Daniele Gambero, an Italian expatriate in Malaysia since 1998, is a prominent entrepreneur and investor in the property and PropTech sectors. As Group CEO and co-founder of REI Group,, Athena SmartCities, Aivot, and anybodyAHOME, he has pioneered affordable housing solutions through digital transformation and innovative financing.

His work includes significant partnerships with research institutions, think tanks, and government agencies, addressing urban challenges with his Propenomy model.

Within the property ecosystem, he advocates improvements aligned with SDG-2030 and ESG compliance. His commitment extends to urban sustainability goals such as affordable education, gender equality, clean energy, innovation, and inclusive & sustainable cities.

An influential figure in the global PropTech, Dr Gambero is the President of Malaysia PropTech Association, council member of Malaysia Business Angel Network, a mentor for startups and frequent judge in pitching competitions, the bestselling author of Malaysian Propenomy and a sought-after international speaker.

His contributions have earned him multiple awards and recognition as a Marketing, Sustainability, Property and PropTech expert.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Improved inclusivity of affordable housing project, more transparent tendering process in the construction industry, in general (not limited to Hong Kong) I’m supporting a stronger impact of women in the proptech ecosystem.

Supported by

14:05 – 15:05

Reimaging the City with Zero-Carbon-Ready

14:05 – 15:05

This session will explore the emerging Zero-Carbon-Ready certification and its role in accelerating the built environment’s decarbonisation. The session will also study how innovation is driving the evolution of our built landscape and shaping Hong Kong into a sustainable and resilient city.


Grace Kwok

Hong Kong Green Building Council

Chairman and Executive Director / Director

Grace is a seasoned sustainability professional with a background in environmental engineering. As the recipient of the 2023 APEC Bio-Circular-Green Award, Grace is a keen advocate of regenerative sustainability for the built environment with 20+ years’ experience in sustainable design and green building projects in Hong Kong, China, and across Asia-Pacific. She is currently the Director of the Hong Kong Green Building Council, Founding Vice President of the Greater Bay Area Carbon Neutrality Association, and Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals. Grace is also the Co-Chair of the Real Estate Working Group under the Hong Kong Green Finance Association. Outside Hong Kong, she has led AEC Group to become WorldGBC’s Asia Pacific Net Zero Collaborator while sharing best practices through her roles in the GRESB Real Estate Standards Committee, LEED Technical Advisory Group, BRE ESG Advisors Club and IWBI Health Equity Advisory. Grace works with the real estate and finance sectors through ESG and Green Finance advisory to build climate resilience and accelerate net-zero transition.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To accelerate our own net zero transition, we have been striving to achieve our goal of net zero carbon business operation by 2030. I hope to see a clearer decarbonization roadmap for different sectors and how cross-sectoral collaboration could be facilitated to achieve the carbon neutrality goal.

Phil Healey

Active Energy Management Limited

Managing Director

UK Chartered Engineer, Registered European Engineer, HK RPE and REA.
>30 years E&M + energy reduction experience, transitioning facility operations, low-energy building services design, energy management + increasingly carbon-reduction focus.
Founded Active Energy Management in Hong Kong in 2000, with whole career supporting high-calibre energy-conscious clients in demanding sectors (Defence, Clean Rooms, Data Centres, Aerospace, Consumer Electronics, Incinerators, Hotels, Leisure, Garments and Textiles) in UK, HK, PRC & APAC.
A passionate pioneer of lifecycle-focused energy minimization, from new-build conception to re-purposing – developed heat recovery in UK Government Veterinary incinerators, founded Shetland Energy Unit, represented Shetland at EU Energy Exchange events, modelled Shetland’s District Heating Scheme (SHEEP). Former Group Technical Director for RESET Carbon, established world-leading high efficiency industrial lighting manufacturing venture, supports an organic Nepalese coffee plantation and sits on BEC Sustainability Working Groups.
Leads AEM’s Energy, Carbon & Sustainability-focused consulting, including, landfill gas waste to energy modelling, recently developing PV improvement for ZC Park, and CxA / RCx / MBCx roles in Hong Kong + pan-Asia. Has lectured to MSc Level at H.K. City University, Energy Auditing / Technical Advisor to the CE 100 Hong Kong Group and Hong Kong Association of Solar Industry for 2022-23.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Minimize Carbon Emissions: Quantifying our existing impact, including cumulative value of improvements both achieved and feasible within our client base if following our advice and audit findings. .
2. Waste Reduction and Recycling: Embracing the circular economy concept to minimize waste and maximize recycling by 50% by 2030.
3. Educate Customers: Communicating our sustainability policies clearly and transparently to clients to educate them on our commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

Andy Yeung

Hongkong Land (Property Management) Limited

Director & Head of Technical Services

Mr Andy Yeung is Director and Head of Technical Services of Hong Kong Land (Property Management) Limited. He is responsible for Technical Services Management and Green Building Management for the company.

Mr Yeung graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering and later on obtained a Master’s Degree in environmental management.

He is a Chartered Engineer possessing more than 30-years technical services, energy management, sustainability management, and green building management experiences.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

I would like to see all stakeholders in the Real Estate Industry working together to reduce electricity consumption and carbon footprint of buildings driving towards the carbon neutral target.

Supported by

15:05 – 16:05

Transforming Built Spaces into Community-centric Neighbourhoods

15:05 – 16:05

This session will examine case studies which have transformed the built environment holistically into vibrant and sustainable neighbourhoods.


Wallace Lin

Swire Properties

General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development

Ir Wallace LIN is General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development of Swire Properties Limited. He currently oversees the overall development of the Company’s Sustainable Development, formulates and executes plans including the Company’s SD2030 strategy, digitalisation in energy management, stakeholder engagement in ESG impacts, Science-based Targets and climate risk assessments, etc.

Wallace is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers and Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and currently Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council and Steering Committee Member of the Sustainable Living Environment Advisory Group of Business Environment Council.

Supported by

16:20 – 17:10

Embodied Carbon – Partnerships to Decarbonize Hong Kong’s Construction Industry

16:20 – 17:10

Embodied carbon reduction is a complex intertwined problem but can be solved and Industry collaboration is key to establishing common grounds and working towards win-win situations.
With the standardization of specifications and tools will help establish a level playing field and we have the tools available in Hong Kong – now it’s a case of executing!


  • Discuss why embodied carbon is the #1 unsolved challenge facing the construction and property industry, and why this is even more relevant for Hong Kong and similar cities to take care of
  • Discuss what biggest challenges are (eg. Lack of common framework to purchase low-embodied carbon materials, Misaligned data landscape, Lack of supplier data)
  • Discuss role of industry groups in driving topic forward (Proptech alliance, CIC, others)
  • Discuss solutions now available in Hong Kong (Proptech alliance procurement guideline, unified data landscape, collaboration through Proptech alliance)
  • Briefly discuss opportunities for expansion to greater bay area (Relevance of mainland suppliers, Relevance to China’s carbon targets)

Post-event Actions

  • Explore implementing embodied carbon solutions in their projects.
  • Define pilot projects with embodied carbon as a focus area.
  • Participate in various industry coalitions/initiatives now arising.


Liam Salter

RESET Carbon Limited


Liam is Founder and CEO at RESET Carbon Ltd since 2009. RESET offers solutions to companies seeking to measure and reduce their carbon footprint with a focus on Asian markets.

Previously Liam was the Director of WWF’s International’s Asia-Pacific Climate Programme, where he built and managed a ten-country team. At WWF Liam also co-led the design and set-up of the Gold Standard, which is now a leading certification system for project level carbon offsets and other environmental and social attributes.

Liam holds a Masters of Science in Environmental Technology from Imperial College, London.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024

  • Our Carbon Leadership Programme for the apparel sector is one of the most innovative decarbonisation programs on the market. We want to accelerate its reach and scale up to deliver it across 350 manufacturing sites by the end of 2024.
  • Our work with the HK Proptech Alliance and Construction Industry Council is designed to promote procurement of low carbon construction materials through a dedicated Working Group.  Our goal in 2024 is to launch initial Procurement Guidelines to the market and secure long term funding for this initiative.

Eddie Tse

Gammon Construction

Group Sustainability Manager

Eddie has more than 26 years experience in construction and environmental field and specializes in sediment and land contamination assessment and remediation, carbon/energy management, renewable energy projects and waste/asbestos management.

He is the vice chairman of Environment Committee, Hong Kong Construction Association and member of Climate Change Business Forum of the Business Environment Council. He was appointed as a construction advisor in development of Construction Industry Council Carbon Assessment Tool and Sustainable Finance Certification scheme.  He is also appointed by Hong Kong Green Building Council to be a co-opted member of the Sustainable Development Committee, Climate Change Framework for Built Environment Embodied Carbon Expert Group member and Green Product Market Taskforce member.  Eddie is a member of UK CARES Assured Steel Certification Sustainability Technical Committee.

Eddie graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Canada, and has a Master of Science (Major in Environmental Engineering) degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Eddie is a Fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals, Certified Carbon Auditor (Cement/Steel/Concrete) under the CIC Green Product Certification Scheme, Certified Energy Manager/Carbon Audit Professional of US Association of Energy Engineer and a Qualified Project Assessor of BREEAM Infrastructure.  He is also a qualified assessor of CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme and a Certified ESG Analyst CESGA® of The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Caring nature and society while pursuing net zero goal

With thanks to

17:10 – 18:00

Adopting Circular Economy Principles for the Resource-Intensive Construction Industry

17:10 – 18:00

Hong Kong continues to grapple with significant waste management challenges, including a steadily rising disposal rate and low resource recovery rate. The pandemic has exacerbated the issue by driving a surge in single-use item disposal, further straining the city’s waste systems. However, there is a growing movement to transform Hong Kong from a linear to a circular economy. This shift seeks to optimise resource utilisation, minimise waste generation, design for disassembly and reusability, and revitalise the recycling ecosystem.
The building and construction sector plays a crucial role in advancing circularity and waste reduction. By focusing on sustainable building and product design, implementing advanced construction and waste treatment methods, enabling digitalised platforms for waste flow back to the closed loop, and ensuring a well-coordinated supply chain, the sector can contribute significantly to Hong Kong’s carbon neutrality goals.


  • Grasp the concept of circularity in the local built environment context.
  • Identify hurdles and opportunities for the circular economy in the building and construction industry.
  • Discover existing and upcoming measures and initiatives that contribute to circularity in the built environment.

Post-event Actions

  • Adopt smart waste management systems on construction sites.
  • Discuss strategies for the widespread adoption of smart waste management practices.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to drive the transition to a circular economy.
  • Stay informed on the latest initiatives and movements associated with waste management in the construction industry.


Rex Wong

Kum Shing Group


Mr Rex Wong Siu-han, JP is the CEO of Kum Shing Group, which actively participates in decarbonization-related projects. He is currently a member of Hong Kong Housing Authority, Construction Industry Council (“CIC”), Occupational Safety and Health Council, Steering Committee of New Energy Transport Fund and the Council of the City University of Hong Kong. He also serves as a Board member of CIC-Zero Carbon Park, member of CIC’s Committee on Environment and Sustainability, as well as the First Vice-President of Hong Kong Construction Association. Mr. Wong is a qualified BEAM Pro, LEED AP and a registered architect in the USA.

王紹恆先生, JP是金城營造集團行政總裁。該集團積極參與重大減碳相關項目。王先生現為香港房屋委員會、香港建造業議會、職業安全健康局、新能源運輸基金督導委員會和城市大學校董會的成員。他亦是零碳天地董事會成員、建造業議會環境及可持續發展專責委員會成員,以及香港建造商會第一副會長。王先生是獲認可的綠建專才、LEED AP,亦是美國註冊建築師

Michael Leung


General Manager

Experienced Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry in Australia, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. Skilled in Sales, Engineering, Construction Technology, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Account Management. Strong business development professional graduated from Ivey Business School at Western University, Imperial College London and HKUST. Before joining Hilti, Michael is a chartered structural engineer who involved in commercial, educational and infrastructure projects.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. More and more services applying circularity concept in construction industry
2. ⁠Full transparency in embodied carbon footprint (scope 3) in new construction projects

Dan Tsang

Hong Kong Waste Management Association

Ir Professor

Ir Prof. Dan Tsang is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Pao Yue-Kong Chair Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilisation at Zhejiang University in China. Dan was a Professor and MSc Programme Leader at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland in Australia and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the US and IMETE Scholar at Ghent University in Belgium, and postdoctoral fellow at Imperial College London in the UK. He has more than 20 years of R&D experience, published more than 500 articles in top 10% journals, and was selected as Stanford University’s Top 2% Scientists and Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers in the academic fields of Engineering as well as Environment & Ecology. Dan’s team aspires to develop green technologies for long-term decarbonisation and promote resources circularity and sustainable development. Dan also serves as the founding Editor-in-Chief of npj Materials Sustainability, Chairman of the Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA), and Chairman of Waste Management Subcommittee of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) of the Hong Kong SAR Government.


Theresa Wu

Environmental Protection Department

Assistant Director (Waste Infrastructure)

Ms. Theresa Wu has over 25 years’ experience in the planning, design and project management of large-scale waste-to-energy/resources recovery infrastructures, including the Integrated Waste Management Facilities (I PARK1 & I PARK2) and the Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 (O PARK1).  She has also involved in the formulation and implementation of various waste reduction and environmental policies.  Before joining the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, she was a consulting engineer responsible for drainage and sewerage master plan studies, upgrading of wastewater treatment plants, design of sewerage network for the development of Hong Kong Disneyland.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

I hope the waste reduction and recycling targets set forth under the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035 could be gradually achieved so as to build Hong Kong into a liveable and sustainable city.

Supported by

With thanks to

Day 2 – Friday 13 Sept


With the world now transitioned from a post-Covid reality, locally, Hong Kong has drawn increasing attention to our relationship with and time spent in commercial, residential, community and public spaces. Companies have since started bringing into conversation how business strategies and practices should be redefined for more environment and social-oriented initiatives, as well as the integration of innovation to enable more tech-efficient use of space. Rethinking Facilities Management will advise on what this could mean for offices of the future, procurement and a new vision for sustainable facilities management.

Programme Sponsor

In partnership with

10:30 – 10:35

Opening Welcome: Rethinking Facilities Management

10:30 – 10:35


Dora Yim

Secretary (2023-2024)

Dora is the Deputy Head of Property Management in CBRE Advisory Hong Kong Ltd. She has over 20 years of experience in Property and Facilities Management industry. Before joining CBRE, she worked in several esteemed companies with headquarters located in Hong Kong, UK and US. Dora is currently the Secretary for the IFMA Hong Kong Chapter had been serving various key roles in the Chapter since 2013. Dora was awarded as Winner of Asia Pacific Facility Manager of the Year 2021.

Supported by

10:45 – 11:35

Adapt and Align: Policy Shifts for Facility Managers

10:45 – 11:35

In the face of rapid technological advancements and evolving environmental standards, facility managers must navigate the facility management landscape with significant policy changes. “Adapt and Align: Policy Shifts for Facility Managers” will explore the latest regulatory developments and their implications for the industry. This session will delve into how facility managers can align their operations and ensure compliance with new policies, as well as optimize resource efficiency. Attendees will gain insights into proactive strategies for policy adaptation and learn from real-world cases with successful implementations



  • Overview of recent policy changes affecting facility management.
  • Strategies for aligning facility operations with new regulatory requirements.
  • The role of technology in facilitating policy compliance.
  • Case studies of successful policy adaptation in facility management.
  • Best practices for proactive risk management and resource optimization.

Post-event Actions

  • Develop an action plan to align current operations with new policies.
  • Implement technologies that enhance compliance and efficiency.
  • Engage in continuous learning to stay updated on regulatory changes.
  • Foster collaboration with stakeholders to navigate policy shifts effectively.


Yu Bun Siu

Property Management Services Authority

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Alan SIU Yu Bun is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Property Management Services Authority. He has served the civil service for 36 years in various bureau and departments, including the former City and New Territories Administration, the former Transport Branch, the former Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority, the former Finance Branch, the former Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Home Affairs Bureau. He was Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology) from 2007 to 2011 and Government Property Administrator until 2015. Before joining the PMSA, Mr SIU was Director of Administration and Development of the Department of Justice from 2015 to 2019.

Jonathan Mark Bailey

City Facilities Management (HKG) Limited

General Manager Strategic Partnerships, Asia

Jonathan is the General Manager for Strategic Partnerships in Asia at City Facilities Management. He is responsible for expanding the number of partners working with City in the region and implementing City’s unique partnership model that provides an end-to-end solution for the design, delivery, and maintenance of facilities in accordance with the sustainability and business goals of the partner organization.

Prior to joining City FM, Jonathan was Regional Partnerships Manager for The Commons Project, a non-for-profit health technology start up that provided vaccine verification services to airlines, airports and governments. Before that role, Jonathan was on the Swire management program for 10 years seconded to Cathay Pacific where he took up several roles across 5 countries such as Country Manager Israel and Head of Digital Innovation for Airports.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Since last year it has been really positive to see the actions the government have taken with regards to creating policies to reduce the use of HFCs and HCFCs in Hong Kong by ~80% by 2030. It is now up to businesses to prepare for those policies being enacted from 2025 onwards.

As such, my primary sustainability goal for the coming year is to help businesses with large refrigeration or air-conditioning requirements plan for the upcoming phase down. My goal is to partner with businesses to ensure their transition to a low-carbon operating environment is done correctly, to ensure sustainable operating success both from a carbon neutrality and cost point of view.

Pak Cheung Chan

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Deputy Director/Regulatory Services

Ir CHAN Pak-cheung is the Deputy Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. He is responsible for overseeing the enforcement of legislations in ensuring public safety on using electricity, gas, lifts and escalators, railway and other electrical and mechanical installations, and promoting energy efficiency and conservation. Ir CHAN has been working in the government for over 30 years and taken up professional and managerial roles in the areas of engineering services, project management and regulatory enforcement. He is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in the building services, electrical and energy disciplines. He received his bachelor degree in electrical and electronics engineering and master degree in building services engineering from the University of Hong Kong.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

The HKSAR Government has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality in Hong Kong by 2050. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is playing an active role to support this directive in collaboration with stakeholder. Our sustainability goal for the coming year is to continue the efforts in promoting buildings energy efficiency through the uplift of standard in the Building Energy Code and propose legislative enhancement for expanding the scope of regulation. We will also continue to promote the use of green innovative technologies and closely collaborate with stakeholders in various sustainability development areas for the carbon neutrality goal.

Vincent Fung, JP

Labour Department

Deputy Commissioner (Occupational Safety and Health)

Vincent joined the HKSAR Government in 1989. For over three decades he has served in various positions, from policy work relating to insurance, aviation, tourism etc. to administrative head in one of the 18 districts in Hong Kong. He received a Chief Executive’s Commendation for Public Service in Hong Kong for his bravery service in Wuhan when the COVID pandemic broke out in 2020.
Vincent is currently Deputy Commissioner for Labour, taking charge of all Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) related matters in Hong Kong. He leads a team of some 700 professional and supporting staff to carry out enforcement, publicity and education/training work to enhance OSH in the city.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

The overall sustainability of Hong Kong relies heavily on the occupational safety and health of its employees in their workplaces. While Hong Kong’s occupational safety and health performance is improving over the past few decades, I would like to see the work safety and health culture across Hong Kong can be further enhanced. By emphasizing education about safety practices, promoting awareness, and enforcing regulations, we can foster a stronger safety and health culture. I would also like to see the widespread adoption of automation and smart monitoring systems in Hong Kong. These technologies not only enhance employee well-being but also create a safer, healthier and more comfortable work environment.

Supported by

11:35 – 12:25

Rethinking Facilities Management: Session Details Coming Soon

11:35 – 12:25

12:25 – 13:15

The Journey of Implementing Smart Facilities

12:25 – 13:15

As the demand for intelligent infrastructure grows, the journey towards implementing smart facilities presents both opportunities and challenges. “The Journey of Implementing Smart Facilities” will guide facility managers through the transformation process, from initial planning to full-scale deployment. This session will cover the integration of IoT, AI, and other smart and sustainable technologies that enhance operational efficiency and occupant comfort. Participants will learn to overcome common obstacles from industry leaders for successful implementation of smart facility.



  • Key steps in planning and deploying smart facility solutions.
  • Integration of IoT, AI, and data analytics in facility management.
  • Overcoming technical and organizational challenges.
  • Measuring the ROI of smart facility investments.
  • Case studies on successful smart facility projects.

Post-event Actions

  • Conduct a feasibility study for implementing smart technologies in their facilities.
  • Develop a roadmap for smart facility deployment.
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.
  • Establish partnerships with technology providers and experts.


Kannas Lau

Worldwide Envision Centre

Head – Property Technology

Kannas Lau is the Head of Property Technology at Worldwide Envision Centre (WEC), the leading provider of IoT (Internet of Things) and ESG solutions in the field of property management.

Prior to joining WEC, Kannas gained extensive experience working with luxury hotel chains. This experience has equipped her with excellent communication skills, the ability to observe customer needs, and a proven track record of providing tailored solutions and quality service.

Kannas is a certified ESG Planner and holds a Master of Science degree in Digital Marketing. Her diverse background and expertise have enabled her to develop a strong commitment to introducing innovative PropTech solutions that empower industry players achieve their ESG goals.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:


Kirsty Howard


Managing Director, Work Dynamics Accounts

Kirsty Howard is a highly skilled and experienced Real Estate professional with expertise in various areas, including organizational leadership, business development and client management. Kirsty is in her 10th year at JLL, having joined in 2014, when she moved to Hong Kong from New Zealand. Prior to joining JLL Kirsty worked for a Real Estate investor in Auckland, New Zealand.

Kirsty has a deep understanding of JLL’s business and leads a portfolio of multi-national clients as a Managing Director on the Asia Pacific Leadership team. Predominantly working with organizations in the financial sector, Kirsty has strong operational knowledge, fantastic client relationship skills and a deep understanding of Account Management. Kirsty has also worked in Office Leasing advisory, in a business development role supporting the delivery of transactions, managing regional and global client relationships and providing access to JLL’s many other occupier and investor products and service lines.

Outside work, Kirsty enjoys spending time with her husband, and their two boys. Despite being full on with mum duties, she enjoys taking precious time out to practice pilates, and socialize with friends.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • A stronger focus on the S in ESG
  • Businesses shifting from using Sustainability as a marketing strategy to a transformative change

Henry Leung

HID Asia Pacific Ltd.

Regional Sales Manager, Physical Access Control Solutions, Hong Kong & Taiwan

Henry is the Regional Sales Manager for HID Physical Access Control Solutions (PACS) business in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau focusing on Banking & Finance, logistics, commercial real estate and government sectors. Henry has over 10 years of experience in the physical access security industry, working for system integrators and product manufacturers.

Since joining HID in 2018, Henry has been working closely with HID partners and managing physical access control projects with our end customers. Henry graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), majoring in Marketing from City University of Hong Kong.

Tim Mak

Jardine Engineering Digital Insights (JEDI)

Head of Sales & Business Development

Tim Mak is a highly experienced professional with a diverse background in construction, property, and technology.

Tim possesses deep expertise in implementing digital transformation initiatives, leveraging AI and machine learning to effectively address partner needs. He is particularly focused on improving operational efficiency and helping partners achieve business goals.

In his current role as the Head of Sales and Business Development at JEDI, Tim Mak holds the responsibility of managing client demands and implementing tech partnership integration strategies to drive product and solution development. He also plays a crucial role in assisting customers across the APAC region in achieving their ESG goals and reducing carbon emissions through energy optimization for commercial buildings and infrastructure.

Throughout his career, Tim has accumulated significant experience in the construction, property development, and facility management sectors. He has held key positions, including a senior finance role at Gammon Construction and the Senior Customer Experience Strategy Manager at Hongkong Land.

Tim has also honed his skills in finance and banking, specializing in accelerating start-ups into scale-ups and establishing digital product roadmaps to foster business growth through digital transformation strategies. His contributions to organizations such as livi Bank, where he served as the Head of Strategic Planning and Loyalty. Additionally, Tim has held the role of Senior Consultant of Group Audit and Risk Management at Jardine Matheson.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • To create sustainable workspaces and public areas that promote a healthier and more productive environment for all by offering tools that better understand the needs of tenant, their behaviors, and prioritize occupant well-being in commercial buildings.
  • To contribute to a future where Hong Kong’s commercial buildings become leaders in sustainability, through the adoption of energy-efficient practices and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to pave the way towards a greener future, ensuring clean air and a clear blue sky for the next generation to thrive and enjoy in Hong Kong.

Peter Mo

Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited

Head of Marketing

Ir. Peter Mo (MHKIE, MIET, Chartered Engineer, Chartered Marketer) is the Head of Marketing of Schneider Electric Hong Kong with 20+ years of experience in energy management and digitization. He began his career as an engineer and then progressed into varieties of work in Business Development and Marketing in local and regional (APAC) levels.
Peter is now responsible for Offer Marketing of Schneider Electric in Hong Kong and Macau, bringing new technology and innovation to the market.

Supported by

14:15 – 15:05

Sustainability Partnerships in Facilities Management

14:15 – 15:05

Sustainability in facilities management extends beyond individual efforts, requiring robust partnerships across the supply chain. “Sustainability Partnerships in Facilities Management” will explore the collaborative approaches essential for achieving sustainability goals. This session will highlight the importance of aligning with like-minded partners, from suppliers to service providers, to create an ecosystem. Attendees will learn about the benefits of sustainability partnerships, strategies for building and maintaining these relationships, and real-world examples of successful collaborations.



  • Importance of partnerships in achieving sustainability goals.
  • Strategies for selecting and collaborating with sustainability partners.
  • Benefits and challenges of sustainable supply chain management.
  • Examples of successful sustainability partnerships in facilities management.
  • Future trends in sustainable collaborations.

 Post-event Actions

  • Identify potential partners who align with their sustainability goals.
  • Develop criteria for selecting sustainable partners.
  • Create a collaborative framework for ongoing partnership management.
  • Monitor and report on the impact of sustainable partnerships.


Julien Watel

Veolia Hong Kong Holding Limited

Director Energy Business Line

Mr. Julien Watel graduated with a master’s degree in Mechanical and Energy Engineering at Polytech Marseille University (France). Fully engaged in sustainability solutions development for giving a brighter future to the next generations, he has over 22 years of experience in energy management and building services engineering with extensive international experience in construction of building services plants with the aim of thinking operations from the design phase.
In Veolia, Julien has been promoting implementation of smart energy services in the Middle East and Central Europe. He is now assigned by Veolia to work as Director of the Energy Business in HK Line and as Executive Director of the Southa Group of Companies to accelerate the development of energy performance services to cope with environmental challenges.

Melanie Cheng

JEB Group

Sustainable Solutions Strategist

Melanie is the Sustainable Solutions Strategist at JEB Group & Sustainable Office Solutions, she possesses a unique blend of design knowledge and a deep passion for sustainability. Having studied architecture in both Hong Kong and London, Melanie brings a diverse perspective to the industry.

Her journey towards sustainability began with a strong personal commitment, starting with personal lifestyle changes. Recognizing the crucial role industries play in driving sustainable practices, Melanie cofounded a sustainable product start-up and explored the intersection of architecture and sustainability in previous roles.

Since 2019, Melanie has focused her efforts on sustainability advisory, developing expertise in project management with a track record of successful delivery of supply chain projects addressing human rights and environmental risks. She has worked across a wide range of industries, from finance and property development to manufacturing, F&B, and waste management, Melanie has consistently demonstrated her ability to implement sustainable practices to make a positive impact.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • More enforced regulations from government to accelerate ambitious climate action in the business sector.
  • Higher quality education and awareness building around sustainability to inspire and empower individuals in Hong Kong to be part of the change!

Phoebe Leung

Swire Properties

Senior Sustainable Development Manager

Phoebe Leung is the Senior Sustainable Development Manager of Swire Properties. Her work involves supporting the Company’s Sustainable Development (SD) 2030 Strategy as well as action plans and programmes to improve the company’s overall SD performance.

She leads the planning and execution of Swire Properties’ SD tenant engagement strategy and bespoke tenant programmes, such as the Green Performance Pledge and Green Kitchen Initiative, fostering landlord-tenant partnerships to incorporate sustainability throughout the design, fit-out and occupancy stages.

In addition, she drives the Company’s Resource and Circularity Taskforce, made up of representatives from portfolio teams and hotels, to regularly analyse waste performance and facilitate new initiatives. She leads the development of new partnerships and innovations to design out waste, encourage reuse and enhance resource recovery. Her recent projects include the Taikoo Place Smart Reusable Cup and Food Box Programme, and launching the Smart Waste Reduction Challenge which utilises smart scales and a digital engagement platform to gamify the Company’s collective sustainability journey with tenants.

Phoebe is a Chartered Environmentalist and also holds a Master of Public Administration from Columbia University.

Chung Ming Wai

Kai Shing Management Services Limited

Senior Property and Facility Manager

– Serves as a Senior Property & Facility Manager of Kai Shing Management Services Limited
– Experienced professional for managing Grade A commercial development
– Leads the team in providing high-quality and attentive services to tenants
– has spearheaded the implementation of energy-efficient technologies and waste reduction programs in the development
– has been instrumental in promoting recycling and environmental responsibility among tenants

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Increase Adoption of Solar Energy:
• Expand the installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels on building façades and rooftops across Hong Kong.
• Provide incentives and streamline the approval process for building owners to install solar energy systems.
2. Promote Energy-Efficient Building Retrofits:
• Implement a building retrofit program to upgrade existing commercial and residential buildings with energy-efficient technologies.
• Encourage the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to optimize building performance and monitor real-time energy consumption.

Supported by

15:05 – 15:25

Tech Talks: Sustainable Technology

15:05 – 15:25


Dr Ken Leung

Hong Kong Baptist University

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. Leung is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Hong Kong SAR, P. R. China. He concurrently holds the Honorary Associate Professorship in the Faculty of Dentistry at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is a Chartered Scientist (CSci), Chartered Chemist (CChem) and Fellow (FRSC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom) and a member in the State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis at HKBU. He was elected as a Founding Member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (FMYASHK) and named as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM, Sweden).

His research interests are in the fields of nanomaterials chemistry, supramolecular materials, catalysis, sensors, and nanomedicine. He gained his postdoctoral training at the University of California Los Angeles with Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. He was also a visiting scientist at RIKEN, Japan.

Dr. Leung has published over 140 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals with about 8,000 citations and an h-index of 45. He holds 7 patents. He was the recipient of Asian Core Program Lectureship Awards (Japan-2010, South Korea-2012&2019, Mainland China-2017, Singapore-2017, Taiwan-2018), Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Technology Advancement, First Class) from the Ministry of Education of China (2011), Materials Research Contribution Award from the Asia Pacific Society for Materials Research (2013, 2014 and 2015), Asian Rising Stars Award from the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (2013), HKBU President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research Supervision (2018) and HKU Research Output Prize (2019). In 2022, Dr. Leung was listed in the Global Scholars Academic Influence Ranking.

He is the founding director of the Bright Hub Technology Company Limited.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production

Chris Lau

evMega Technology Limited

Chief Executive Officer

Chris holds a Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering – BEng (Hon) degree. He is a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) in the Electrical & Manufacturing Disciplines, a Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council UK (CEng), a Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (MHKIE) in the Electrical Discipline, a Registered Professional Engineer (RPE) in the Electrical Discipline, and a Registered Electrical Worker (REW).

Currently, Chris serves as the Vice President of the Hong Kong E-Vehicles Business General Association from 2024 to 2026. He is also the Managing Director of the NLSE Group. In 2017, Chris was awarded the prestigious CEO of the Year award by Capital Magazine. Before his current role, he was a former Member of the CPPCC Tianhe Guangzhou 廣州天河區政協委員(第四屆).

With over 28 years of extensive experience in Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Chris has established himself as a respected leader and expert.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

As the Vice President of the Hong Kong E-Vehicles Business General Association, Chris will work closely with local authorities and real estate developers to facilitate the installation of public charging stations across Hong Kong. His goal is to increase the number of available charging points, making it more convenient for EV owners to charge their vehicles and encouraging more residents to switch to electric mobility.

Additionally, Chris will propose policies that incentivize the installation of home and workplace charging stations. He plans to advocate for the purchase subsidies and tax incentives that would make EVs more affordable for individual consumers.

15:25 – 16:15

Cutting Edge Technologies to Transform Facilities Management

15:25 – 16:15

Technology continues to transform the business landscape. It touches nearly every part of facilities management including energy efficiency, data decision making, work efficiency, predictive maintenance, work safety, space utilization optimization, occupancy comfort and controls, and remote monitoring.

Building owners face the challenge of adopting the right technology solutions that can provide resiliency for buildings, maintaining flexibility and competitiveness in the changing business climate, while driving a return on their technology investment. Emerging advancements in nanotech, space technology, and AI are expected to further expand the choices that will transform facilities management.


  • What are the new technologies that can positively impact facility operations?
  • Which technology trends are most likely to impact facilities management?
  • What are the leading practices from corporates in adopting technologies for facilities management?

Post-event Actions: 

  • Rethink the way technology can create value for facilities management while delivering on their sustainable goals.


Simon Yu

PropTech Institute


Simon Yu works as an Associate Director at CBRE, the world’s leading commercial real estate services and investment firm, Simon has demonstrated exceptional skills in real estate investment advisory, transaction management, and market intelligence.

What sets Simon apart is his unwavering passion for bridging the worlds of property and technology. In 2019, he co-founded the PropTech Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the application of innovative technologies in the real estate industry. As the Co-Founder and President, Simon has been instrumental in building a thriving ecosystem for PropTech startups, corporates, and industry professionals, driving the digital transformation of the Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area real estate markets.

Through educational initiatives, collaborative events, and thought leadership, Simon has been at the forefront of advancing the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, such as AI, data analytics, and sustainable building solutions. His vision is to make real estate more efficient, sustainable, and smart for the long run, benefiting all stakeholders, from developers and investors to end-users.

Simon’s exceptional performance at CBRE has been recognized with his promotion to Associate Director in the Capital Markets team in 2022. Under his guidance, he has brokered and closed over HK$8.5 billion (US$1 billion) in real estate transactions, showcasing his ability to navigate complex deals and deliver successful outcomes for his clients.

Beyond his professional achievements, Simon is a strong advocate for Canadian culture and education. As the President of the Alumni Association of his alma mater, Western University, in Hong Kong, he organizes social and fundraising events to reconnect alumni and promote the university’s legacy. Simon has also been active in bridging the West and East, facilitating talent exchange initiatives between Canada, Hong Kong, and mainland China, as well as supporting start-up integration.

Recently, Simon was invited to be the co-chair of the Property Committee at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, further solidifying his role as a bridge-builder between the two regions. With his remarkable accomplishments, passion for innovation, community engagement, and cultural exchange, Simon is a rising leader poised to make a lasting impact in the real estate industry, driving the digital and sustainable transformation of the sector.

Caren Botha


Commercial Director

With over 25 years of experience in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry, Caren is a seasoned and passionate commercial leader who thrives on delivering innovative and sustainable solutions to customers. As the Commercial Director at Propelair, Caren oversees the commercial strategy to drive business growth and profitability for Propelair’s patented low-water toilet technology. By understanding wider market trends, identifying new business opportunities, and managing customer relationships, she ensures long-term success for both Propelair and its customers.

Caren’s core competencies include negotiation, customer relationship management, and product management on a global scale. She have a proven track record of increasing sales revenue, expanding market share, and streamlining commercial operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Her technical background, coupled with an interest in sustainable industries and a knack for working with diverse teams, fosters a high-performance culture within Propelair.

Outside of their professional achievements, she enjoys travelling and a healthy family life.

Sean Leung

Techlution Service Limited


I am the Co-founder of Techlution Service Limited, with over 10 years of experience in technology and startups. My expertise includes AI, data management, cloud computing, and clustering network infrastructures, utilizing tools like Docker, Swarm, and AWS for multinational corporations (MNCs). Additionally, I am an active speaker and mentor in the business and STEM communities across Hong Kong, Singapore, and mainland China.

Currently, I serve as the CEO of Alpha Group Technology (ATGL), a listed company on Nasdaq. Our company focuses on cutting-edge AI technologies, including AI OCR, large language models (LLM), generative AI, and predictive AI. We are dedicated to providing the best solutions to our clients.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Promote Green Technology:
Increase the adoption of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies in all our projects.
Develop and implement solutions that reduce carbon footprints and promote renewable energy sources.

Environmental Impact Reduction:
Set measurable targets to reduce our environmental impact, including reducing paper usage.
Regularly monitor and report on our progress towards achieving these targets.

Innovation in Sustainable AI Solutions:
Invest in research and development of AI technologies that contribute to sustainability, such as AI-driven energy management systems and predictive maintenance for reducing resource consumption.
Develop AI solutions that help other industries enhance their sustainability efforts.

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All sessions are subject to change.