European Stage

The Sustainable Fashion Paradox

Day 2 : 11:10 – 11:30

How great is the fashion industry, with all its creativity, dynamism, sheer size and opportunities.
Point out the challenges that the fashion industry is facing from an environmental aspect. And bring the solutions that are available to overcome these challenges. What Lenzing is doing about this but also what we all can do to support and make this industry truly sustainable.


  • Who’s task is it to improve the environmental impact of the fashion industry?
  • What can we in Hong Kong and internationally do about cleaning up the fashion industry?
  • Can Hong Kong and Asia commit to clear sustainability targets for fashion/textiles?

Post-event Actions

Determine what you can do to reduce the environmental impact of fashion:

  • In your private life (wife/husband, mother/father, among family and friends)
  • In your work life (business, organization, competencies)
  • Commit to 3 concrete actions that will create an impact


Vincent Leung

Lenzing Group

Global Head of Digital Brand Marketing

Vincent Leung is an internationally experienced marketing expert who is currently the Global Head of Digital Brand Marketing for Lenzing Group, an Austrian international company, by leading the global digital marketing strategy and direction.

Previously, he led the digital marketing and creative teams in Asia for Lenovo PCCW Solutions and oversaw BNP Paribas’ digital marketing communications for Asia Pacific, successfully expanding the brands’ presence in the region.

Back in Canada, he managed strategic marketing campaigns in corporations such as Canada Post and American Express, which boosted the companies’ brand reputation and greatly increased consumer digital engagement.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– Raising the awareness and advocacy of sustainable fashion for Hong Kong and globally

– Enabling our collaborative and brand partners to contribute to UN’s SDGs through our partnership programs

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