Buildings & Facilities Theatre

Transforming Built Spaces into Community-centric Neighbourhoods

Day 1 : 15:00 – 16:00

This session will examine case studies which have transformed the built environment holistically into vibrant and sustainable neighbourhoods.


Iris Hoi

Urbis Limited


Iris Hoi has over 30 years of experience practicing landscape architecture. She is a Director at URBIS Limited and has been with the company since 1992. She has undertaken over 200 projects many of which have won awards. Iris is the Immediate Past President of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects serving the term from 2018 to 2022. She remains active in the community on liveable environment and quality outdoor spaces issues.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. plant more trees, to help sequester carbon and improve urban comfort
2. reduce waste
3. adopt nature based solutions in projects

Wallace Lin

Swire Properties

General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development

Ir Wallace LIN is General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development of Swire Properties Limited. He currently oversees the overall development of the Company’s Sustainable Development, formulates and executes plans including the Company’s SD2030 strategy, digitalisation in energy management, stakeholder engagement in ESG impacts, Science-based Targets and climate risk assessments, etc.

Wallace is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers and Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and currently Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council and Steering Committee Member of the Sustainable Living Environment Advisory Group of Business Environment Council.

Samuel Kwong

Chinachem Group

Senior Associate Director – ESG

Samuel KWONG is the Senior Associate Director – ESG of Chinachem Group with over 25 years of experience in sustainability with multinational conglomerates covering businesses including sports & entertainment, food & beverages, aviation, hospitality, real estate, retail, shipping & infrastructure developments. He is a director of HKIQEP, past Chairman of CIWEM HK & former director of HKGBC & HKBEC. Sam is an engineer by training with bachelor and master degrees from The University of Hong Kong and a master degree of environmental engineering from ENTPE, France, MBA degree from the Chinese University Hong Kong and a degree of laws from the University of London.

Shirley Chen


Vice President, Buildings + Places, Hong Kong

Shirley Chen is at the helm of AECOM’s Buildings + Places division in Hong Kong, and is spearheading digital innovation across Asia in the same sector. Her two-decade long career has broadened from a landscape architecture background into a multi-disciplinary one, encompassing an array of design and engineering disciplines.

Shirley is adept at navigating intricate business challenges while promoting a culture of creativity, innovation, and sustainability among her team. She has partnered with governments and top-tier developers to bring to fruition landmark projects, including large-scale municipal initiatives, social infrastructure, new development areas, iconic commercial complexes, luxury hotels, upscale residential landscapes, and streetscapes. Her leadership has earned recognition for both her and the projects under her charge from numerous industry bodies.

A proponent of digital innovation and cross-disciplinary collaboration to accelerate the creation of sustainable legacies for clients and the communities they serve, Shirley adopts an integrated approach, merging planning, urban design, engineering, landscape design, and economics consulting in her work. Her effort extends to fostering regional and global collaboration across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and the United States, encouraging a rich exchange of ideas and delivering excellent projects.

Shirley is also active contributor to her field, having been invited as an industry expert on various platforms including ULI GBA and InnoSpace GBA’s Green Future Innovation Think Tank. She has mentored postgraduate students from CUHK in urban design at their “New” New Town project for Venice Biennale 2023, which explores future urbanism in Hong Kong. A staunch advocate for workplace equity, diversity and inclusion, Shirley’s dedication to nurturing female leadership is exemplified by her mentorship role in The Women’s Foundation’s Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders for the 2023-2024 cohort.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

-Work with our clients to strive towards carbon neutrality
-Contribute more sustainable buildings and places for cities
-Drive digital transformation for accelerating sustainable design in the industry

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