Ir Prof Andrew Young

Ir Prof Andrew Young

Sino Group

Consultant (Innovation)

Ir Prof Andrew YOUNG has extensive executive experience and is currently the Consultant on Innovation with the Sino Group, where he heads the innovation function as the Associate Director (Innovation) since 2017 with the responsibility to explore and identify innovations and technologies for application in the Group and explore investment opportunities in technology ventures.

Ir Prof Young is a Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and a Chartered Professional Engineer and member of the Institutions of Engineers Australia. He is an Adjunct Professor with The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, The University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. He serves on various committee of different universities such as CUHK, CityU, PolyU, HKBU, etc. He also sits on various position in leading commerce and industry associations, serving as Chairman of Hong Kong Automation Technology Council and AI & Robotics Alliance of Hong Kong, Chairman of Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics, and member of Construction Industry Council, etc.


楊孟璋教授擁逾 35 年高級行政管理經驗,現為信和集團顧問,自 2017 年起出任信和集團創新聯席董事,負責策劃集團的創新科技發展,及探討相關投資機會。
