Co-hosted by Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group”), the 2022 GRESB Regional Insights Event Hong Kong has drawn to a successful close, with around 200 participants joining in-person and online. Mr Dennis WU, CEO of AEC Capital acted as the moderator of the event, and Ms Grace KWOK, Chairman of AEC Group and GRESB Real Estate Standards Committee Member, Ir Dr Cary CHAN, Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and Ms Quinnie LI, GRESB Representative of Asia ex Japan have delivered speeches, sharing their in-depth views on GRESB result highlights and net-zero solutions. In the panel discussion, heavyweight panellists including Ir Dr Cary CHAN, Executive Director of HKGBC, Ms Ellie TANG, Director of Sustainable Investing of Fidelity International, Ms Entela BENZ, CEO of Intensel Limited and Adjunct Associate Professor of HKUST SBM, Mr Johnny YU, Advisor to Chairman of Henderson Land Development and Ms Tracy WONG Harris, Head of Sustainability Finance Asia of Standard Chartered and Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Hong Kong Green Finance Association started a thought-provoking interaction and reflection on the latest development of GRESB and how to enhance real estate sustainability.