Roundtable Workshops

Roundtable Workshops

Day 1 – Thursday 14 Sept

10:00 – 11:30

Rethinking Workplaces

10:00 – 11:30

The Rethinking Workplaces roundtable session will gather industry representatives to explore challenges and identify key solutions and opportunities for:

  • Upskilling employees to drive innovation to create more sustainable workplaces
  • Cross-functional collaborations on waste reduction, green office designs, energy efficiency


Aigul Safiullina

The DO Asia

Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability

Aigul is the Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability at The DO Asia, an award winning social impact platform with a mission to enable companies and individuals to thrive in a purposeful economy that is sustainable and innovative. With a background in environmental journalism across 3 continents and passion for climate leadership and mental wellbeing, she has become one of the pioneers of zero waste movement in Hong Kong. She is an active member of the Sustainability Committee of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.

Aigul is also a Climate Leader trained under Al Gore in Mexico, certified breathwork facilitator and sound therapist.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. To bring together all ecosystem players as only together we can make tangible impact and change the status quo.
2. To include environmental health as one of the crucial pillars of our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Diana Au Yeung

Director of Learning & Development

Diana is the Director of Learning & Development at The DO. She holds certifications in MCIPD(UK), EMBA, MBTI, DISC and Culture Orientation Practitioner. She has over 20+ years of experience in Corporate, Consultancy, Lecturing roles, specialised in HR/OD, talent strategy, culture and engagement, learning solutions, and talent development with strong belief in nurturing leadership style.

She also has extensive experience in team development with China based organisations and global exposure across in luxury hospitality, luxury retail, banking, property field.

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12:30 – 14:30

Rethinking Food & Hospitality

12:30 – 14:30

The Rethinking Food & Hospitality roundtable session will gather industry representatives to explore challenges and identify key solutions and opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration associated with:

  • Promoting a sustainable, transparent and traceable food supply chain
  • Developing circularity initiatives within food and hospitality sectors in Hong Kong
  • Designing a regenerative food economy


Peggy Chan

Executive Director

In 2012, Peggy opened Grassroots Pantry (GP) in Hong Kong with a mission to raise awareness of the inequities in our food system and to share knowledge on the benefits of whole food plant-based cuisine. Through conducting Zero Foodprint’s life-cycle assessment, GP became carbon neutral in 2018 and its first sustainability report was recognized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ESCAP as a best practice case study on sustainable sourcing and responsible management.

Over the years Peggy has emerged as one of the region’s most authoritative voices on organic sourcing and systems thinking design. In 2020, Peggy developed Grassroots Initiatives Consultancy to assist foodservice professionals in their transition towards best practices that meet both human and planetary health goals. Last year, she launched Zero Foodprint Asia to rapidly mobilize research, education and funding from the food and hospitality sector for agricultural climate solutions.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Less talking, less greenwashing. Real action, real changes.

Janice Leung Hayes

Co-Founder, Lead Producer

Janice Leung Hayes is a food writer, producer and sustainability advocate based in Hong Kong. Her written work has appeared in publications such as Monocle, South China Morning Post, and The New York Times. When not writing, she consults on strategy and communications in sustainability through activations such as food and farmers markets. She is also the co-founder and lead producer of multimedia agency Capsule48.

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15:30 – 17:00

Rethinking Textiles & Apparel

15:30 – 17:00

The Rethinking Apparel & Textiles roundtable session will gather industry representatives to explore challenges and identify key solutions and opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration associated with:

  • Reducing carbon emissions throughout the value chain
  • Identifying and mitigating risks associated with climate change and sustainability issues
  • Improving ESG performance through responsible and sustainable business practices


Joyce Tsoi

Director of Collective Action Programs

Joyce Tsoi is the Director of Collective Action Programs at the SAC, and leads SAC’s Decarbonization Collective Action programs and activities. She guides members and ecosystem partners to integrate sustainability into their business strategies, prioritize actions on climate change, accelerate sustainable environmental and social impacts, and transform our industry into one that gives more than it takes – to people and the planet.

She brings over 17 years of diverse global industry experience, leading global supply chain sustainability programs for multinational companies, driving key corporate and industry-wide sustainability strategies and efforts through the adoption and verification of Higg tools, water and wastewater compliance programs, Science Based Targets (SBTs), energy efficiency and renewable energy programs across multiple industry sectors including apparel and footwear, electronics, hard-goods, home goods, food and beverage, home goods and toys industries globally. She is also Honorary Senior Lecturer of the Sustainability Leadership and Governance Program at the University of Hong Kong.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Call for Collective Action: We must continue to strive our carbon neutrality goal by significantly reduce carbon emissions to keep warming within planetary boundaries.


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Day 2 – Friday 15 Sept

12:30 – 14:30

Rethinking Health & Wellbeing

12:30 – 14:30

The Rethinking Health & Wellbeing roundtable session will gather industry representatives to explore:

– the relationship between health & wellbeing with sustainability

– key challenges that include, environmental challenges, social & economic challenges and lifestyle & behavioral challenges



Victoria Gilbert

Director, APAC

Victoria has extensive experience working in sustainability and wellness, spending the last 10 years in Asia Pacific. She is committed to integrating environmental and social factors into business by working with a variety of stakeholders to understand what really matters and what really works. She is focused on bringing human and environmental sustainability concepts together through designing strategies and enabling behaviour change to achieve real, meaningful change.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

  • More action and less talk – industry demonstrating impact with real examples.
  • Make recycling easy and accessible for all.
  • Focus on reducing consumption and changing mindsets.

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15:30 – 17:00

Rethinking Plastics & Recycling

15:30 – 17:00

The Rethinking Plastics & Recycling Interactive Roundtable will gather industry representatives to explore:

  • How to facilitate the operations of your building when handling waste
  • Managing and promoting recycling initiatives in households and offices
  • Exploring the role of cleaners and rubbish rooms on recycling


Paul Zimmerman


Paul Zimmerman is a Hong Kong environmentalist, politician and businessman. He leads “Drink Without Waste”, a charitable organisation which actively supports government’s plans to introduce a bill into the LegCo for a new producer responsibility scheme on beverage containers including liquid cartons and PET bottles. The organisation is supported and advised by the Single-Use Beverage Packaging Working Group, an alliance of some 50 stakeholders – from manufacturers to green groups.


My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

  • Successful introduction of a Producer Responsibility Scheme for beverage containers in Hong Kong
  • Promote a circular economy where used packaging has a market value that incentivises recovery and re-use
  • Grow the network of water and drink dispensers in support of people bringing their own bottle

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All sessions are subject to change.