YU Ching Yan, Johnny
Head of Sustainability
Head of Sustainability
Mr Yu Ching Yan, Johnny joined the Company in 2020 as the advisor to Chairman. Prior to joining the Company, Mr Yu held various senior positions with UBS, Credit Suisse and Price Waterhouse in both Hong Kong and London. He brought 28 years of extensive experience covering multiple disciplines including sales and marketing, investment advisory, accounting, tax and risk management and control. He leads the sustainability development of the Company and won the prestigious Business Leadership in Sustainability Award at the Asia Pacific Leadership in Green Building Awards 2022, organised by the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC). He also provides strategic advisory on property sales and marketing, policy formulation, digital transformation and innovation. Mr Yu graduated from The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London with a bachelor’s degree in Management Science and attained his MBA degree in Finance with City University of London. He is a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.
My sustainability goals for 2023:
Co-Headline Sponsor for the Innovation and Technology Theatre
About Henderson Land Group
Founded in 1976 and listed in Hong Kong since 1981, Henderson Land Development Company Limited (Stock code: 12) is a leading property group with a focus on Hong Kong and mainland China. The Group’s core business comprises property development and property investment. Henderson Land’s portfolio of award-winning landmark projects is the result of close collaboration with some of the world’s foremost architects and professionals. The Group also holds strategic investments in two listed subsidiaries (namely, Henderson Investment Limited and Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited) and two listed associates (namely, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (which in turn has equity stakes in a listed subsidiary, Towngas Smart Energy Company Limited) and Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Limited). Henderson Land has a long-term commitment to sustainability and is a pioneer in green building and sustainable practices that harness innovation and technology to create new, smarter living. The Group is a strong advocate of social responsibility and invests in a broad range of community causes and initiatives. For more information, please visit www.hld.com.
Our sustainability goals for 2023:
Our 2030 Sustainability Vision has four primary drivers: Green for Planet, Innovation for Future, Value for People and Endeavour for Community, which align with our commitments to the UNSDGs.
“G” – Green for Planet
Building a Green Portfolio: Reducing our impact on the environment
“I” – Innovation for Future
Shaping a Smarter Future: Creating a smart built environment enabled by innovation and technology
“V” – Value for People
Creating a Caring Culture: Being a caring employer who looks after our people and our partners
“E” – Endeavour for Community
Establishing a Liveable Community: Providing a more liveable environment that enhances wellbeing and quality of life
Solutions Showcase:
UN SDG(s) that we align with:
General Enquiry Email Address: Portfolio.leasing@hld.com
General Enquiry Phone Number: 2908 8338