European Stage

Building a Sustainable Future: Education, Talent, and Climate Goals for Hong Kong

Day 1 : 14:30 – 14:50


Mathilde Poirieux

Viviid Coaching Ltd.

Impact Coach and Co-founder

Mathilde Poirieux is an executive coach, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentialed by the International Coaching Federation.
She is certified as a Deep Coach and works with leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers and professional coaches across all levels of organizations, towards their aligned and sustainable growth.

Actively focused on collective progress, Mathilde accompanies her clients to take a deep dive into their inner self, and shine from their strengths. She co-creates with the people she accompanies their signature leadership style, based on their key strengths, through deep transformative conversations that shape life-changing journeys.

Previously a Talent Leader at EY for 13+ years, she has a wealth of experience with cross-cultural teams, high potential development and accelerated leadership skills programs. Mathilde has now a deep understanding of complex structures, what forms a professional identity, sources of tension, and the impact of different coaching approaches.

Her life experience informs her presence, as she went through multiple transitions as a professional, and in her broader life. This all sharpens her style in a pragmatic, systemic, playful, and immensely respectful way of being, where learning and progression are highly valued.
She co-founded viviid coaching, a platform to support sustainability leaders and changemakers to augment their impact.

A French national, based in Hong Kong since 2010, she enjoys life in Asia with her husband and four children.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– FROM avoidance TO full awareness of sustainability challenges and actionable impactful actions

– FROM “they” TO “us, together”, embracing collective power

– FROM stress and despair TO collective action

Genevieve Hilton

Co-Chair, AmCham E-ESG Committee, Author, Fairhaven – A Novel of Climate Optimism

Geneviève Hilton is the co-author of Fairhaven – A Novel of Climate Optimism (as Jan Lee). She is the co-chair of the Energy & ESG committee of AmCham Hong Kong, and previously spearheaded ESG and corporate citizenship at Lenovo and BASF in Asia. She has been active in sustainability in the region since 1994.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To inspire business leaders and individuals in the region to stay optimistic and take bold action to address climate change.

Peggy Titmarsh

Viviid Coaching Ltd.


“We are changing it or it’s changing us”.

I’m a system thinker who likes connecting with people who think (and act) broader and challenge themselves and the status quo. I deeply care about our planet and thrive on projects where I can grow my impact towards a healthier balance of people, planet and profit. My motto is “think big and take small steps”. I’m a constant learner and like to use my creative approach to solving complex problems.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited me as Professional Certified coach (PCC) in 2014. Having worked, studied and lived on 5 continents I have a high respect for other cultures and love the diversity in people. 18 years of corporate experience in the world’s top chemical company helped me to better understand the challenges of a complex matrix organisation.

Beyond coaching, I’m involved in various projects in the social entrepreneurship, impact and education space.

In my free time I like to connect with nature, family & friends and enjoy the colourful life of Asia and the world.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • more companies putting purpose alongside profit
  • growing number of B-Corps
  • increased focus on connection to nature in schools.

Lena Wong

Womentors Limited

Managing Director

Lena brings with her a combined experience in finance and social impact. Graduated from Simon Fraser University, Canada with her BBA in Finance and Marketing, she started her career as a financial analyst in Hong Kong. Following that she served in a number of asset management firms specializing in serving HNWI and institutional clients then she further herself by obtaining the qualification as a CFA charterholder.

With the arrival of her first child, Lena decided to invest the first few years focusing on the family and eventually landed herself into the social innovation space by founding Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs, a non profit organization that empowers mothers to continue having their venture. Alongside her consultancy business, she is also serving as Director of Impact for 100 Women in Finance in Hong Kong. Over the years, she has developed strong passion in sustainability especially on gender equality and diversity & inclusion and she is very active serving herself as advisors to various organizations such as JCI, AIESEC, Good Seed and a number of social enterprises.

In recent years, Lena has founded Womentors, a business with the purpose to work with companies to build better workplaces for professional women. Bringing her on the field experiences to the training rooms, Lena is a certified facilitator of 2030 SDGs Game, Hack your Box in Inclusion and Hack your Box in Sustainable Life. She actively combines various training techniques and practical experiences into daily perspectives that can reinforce key learnings to implement into everyday work life. Lena is currently working as a consultant for HKU/UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme to build capacity and competence of current and future leaders of NPOs.

Lena is also passionate in mentorship where she had successfully rolled out mentorship programs for Business and Professional Women and 100 Women in Finance to encourage experienced professionals to be role models to provide guidance to the younger generation to be best of themselves. She also implements mentorship in fellowship programs in empowering mothers through entrepreneurship.

A mother of two girls, Lena is passionate to build a more empathic world with more gratitude for our next generation. In her leisure time, she enjoys having a sip of coffee or wine with friends and eager to learn. She is fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities