Urban Spaces: Transforming Hong Kong to create Liveable Neighbourhoods

Day 1 : 11:05 – 11:55

This dynamic session explores the integral role of transforming urban spaces in shaping Hong Kong as a liveable city. Our expert panel of speakers will delve into concrete examples and case studies that highlight the transformative power within incorporating green spaces into built environments to create vibrant and sustainable neighborhoods. Alongside exploring green urban design, the session will delve into approaches to redesigning Hong Kong’s urban sprawl, in a mission to enhance its interconnectivity.

Our panelists will also share insights into how urban green spaces contribute to improving air quality, reducing urban heat island effects, promoting biodiversity, and enhancing the well-being of residents. Drawing inspiration from cutting-edge urban design projects in Hong Kong and across Asia, delegates will learn about innovative design approaches, sustainable landscaping techniques, and community engagement strategies to reshape urban spaces.


  • What are the innovative design approaches and strategies for integrating green spaces within urban built environments?
  • How can we examine the positive impacts of urban green spaces and enhanced urban interconnectivity on the physical and mental health of residents?
  • What are the sustainable landscaping practices that can be employed in urban green spaces to optimize resource efficiency, water conservation, and biodiversity preservation?
  • How can we utilize urban design as a tool to build spaces powered by community connectivity, multi-modal mobility, and environmental resilience?

Post-event Actions

  • Be able to encourage delegates to become advocates for the development and maintenance of urban spaces within their local communities.
  • Inspire delegates and colleagues to simultaneously incorporate the principles of environment and people-centric urban spaces in their future projects and developments.
  • Encourage delegates to share the knowledge and insights gained from the session with their professional networks and colleagues.
  • Encourage delegates to actively engage with policymakers and local authorities to advocate for the development and implementation of policies that prioritize the creation and maintenance of community-driven urban spaces.


Belinda Esterhammer

The DO Asia

Chief Executive Officer

Belinda is the CEO of The DO Asia, an award-winning social impact platform with a mission to empower people and organisations to create meaningful innovation and lasting social change in the public and private sector, on topics as various as empowering social workers to become intrapreneurs, sustainability in retail, and the future of work. In Hong Kong The DO is working on humanising smart cities and making them more inclusive.

With over 15 years in marketing, innovation, and consulting, she transitioned from advising public institutions in Austria to leading impactful initiatives in the international development sector with UNICEF Philippines, and overseeing large-scale marketing campaigns for Ernst & Young’s female executive entrepreneurship program. Prior to joining The DO, Belinda founded her own marketing and venture consultancy.

An avid advocate for women’s empowerment, Belinda co-founded Women in Tech APAC and serves as Co-Chair of the American Chamber’s Women of Influence Initiative in Hong Kong. She’s an advisor to the board of PathFinders Hong Kong and an adjunct professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Juan Carlos Astudillo

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Assistant professor

Dr. Juan Carlos Astudillo is an Assistant Professor at the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong and a member of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution at the City University of Hong Kong (SKLMP-CityU). As a marine ecologist, he specializes in marine biodiversity assessment and ecological engineering for habitat rehabilitation. His current research focuses on applying ecological and engineering principles to enhance the biodiversity and ecosystem services of degraded coastal areas, such as biofiltration, carbon storage, nursery grounds, and coastal protection. His goal is to develop ecologically engineered technologies to support sustainable coastal development.

Dr. Astudillo co-founded afterNATURE, a start-up committed to developing eco-engineering technologies and designs for rehabilitating biodiversity and ecosystem services on artificial shorelines. He is also a founding member of the Hong Kong Marine Ecological Association, advocating for ecosystem restoration and environmental education. Additionally, Dr. Astudillo serves as Thematic Editor for the Hong Kong Register of Marine Species (HKRMS).

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– Increased efforts in coastal conservation and restoration.
– Widespread adoption of eco-engineering technologies for constructing eco-friendly artificial shorelines.
– Sustainable of use and management of natural resources and energy.

Chi Wai Edwin Chan

New World Development Company Limited

Head of Projects

Edwin has over 27 years’ experience in the building industry, in which more than 21 years in the private property development sector. He specializes in optimizing the investment potential of developments, while promoting the best bespoke artisanal built environment for the community. As a developer with world vision, New World has always been implementing one-step further innovative solutions with professional consultants to improve the community through sustainable outstanding projects.

Agnes Cheng

Parks and Trails


Agnes Cheng is currently CEO of Parks and Trails, a non-profit organization dedicated to elevating the appreciation and awareness towards Hong Kong’s vibrant natural environment, and empowering people to care for and protect it.

Agnes was qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 2001. In 2008, after working as a WTO project lead for 4 years, her growing interest in developing country issues led her to shift to a non-profit career track. From 2009 – 2022, she was Head of Esquel Group’s corporate foundation focusing on rural education and has experience working in many parts of rural Asia.

In 2015, Agnes teamed up with a few hiking friends and started advocating about excessive use of concrete on Hong Kong’s natural trails, which has since brought together the government, NGOs and the public collaborating towards a new model of trail maintenance.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Provide more education resources and participation opportunities on the topic of Nature and Climate Change for different sectors of Hong Kong society.
  • Enhance the use of technology and citizen science in engaging and educating the public; providing impactful services for nature lovers to enjoy and protect nature.
  • Enhance engagement with the government on the topic of trails and nature conservation and the relationship with Hong Kong’s climate resilience.

Oren Tatcher

OTC Limited


Oren Tatcher is Principal of OTC, a Hong Kong-based planning and design firm specializing in airports and urban mobility, with global projects including airport master plans, airport terminals, railway and bus stations, marine transport terminals, and intermodal stations, often incorporating transit-oriented, mixed-use development. He also leads a studio in the Master’s in Urban Design and Transportation program at the University of Hong Kong, where he shares with students his interdisciplinary approach to designing high-quality, people-oriented and effective mobility facilities that seamlessly integrate in the urban fabric, for the well-being of cities and their residents.

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