European Stage

How Innovation Accelerates Your Company’s Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

Day 2 : 11:50 – 12:20

Mr. Matteo Maravita from STMicroelectronics would like to give insights about the current technologies related to energetic efficiency and Mr. Walter Marin from FastPower would like to give a more practical overview with a case study.


  • Understand examples of technologies related to energetic efficiency.
  • Practical case study

Post-event Actions

  • Expand network
  • Promote new technologies
  • Share insights and know-how


Matteo Maravita


Head of AI competence centre

Matteo graduated in Electronic Engineering in 2001 in University “Politecnico di Milano” and joined STMicroelectronics in Tokyo in November 2006 after other experience in few other companies in Italy.

In Tokyo he has been working in ST at application level and leading the local System Solutions Lab, with key role of technical promotion and support of ST Solutions to local Japanese customers in Industrial and Consumer applications.
Since 2019 he has enlarged his responsibility to the new Asia Pacific Artificial Intelligence Competence Center, that he is currently leading. From 2021 he moved to Hong Kong taking also the lead of an additional technical team, the APAC Smartphone Competence Center.
In past 6 years he has been focused in the new area of Artificial Intelligence.



Walter Marin

Plug The Impact Limited


Walter Marin, Founder & CEO of Plug The Impact, Plug The Sun and Fast Power, is a successful and versatile leader with extensive global experience across renewable energy domains and solar energy management. He is spearheading the companies’ rapid growth with his vision to push for a transformation of the solar home system domain and micro/mini-grid solar solutions, making a difference in people’s lives globally. Thanks to a vast career of almost four decades in this sector, Walter’s wish is to put his experience and knowledge at the service of humanity.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Faster speed to achieve better energy efficiency
  • Get more planning to use renewable energy
  • Faster adoption of sustainable aviation fuel

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