European Stage

Transportation: Exploring UK’s Clean Solution in Hong Kong

Day 2 : 15:50 – 16:20

This 30-min session will provide you an insightful overview of the decarbonisation journey from the transportation field in Hong Kong and the UK, together with Alexander Dennis from bus industry and Purus from Maritime industry. Demonstrating their Clean Growth roadmap, to its application on the ground by innovative solutions. We hope this opportunity to shed light on the pivotal role that UK industry plays on the global stage, exploring a green path in Hong Kong with practical examples.


  • UK Path to Net Zero journey
  • How UK energy solution and strategy tap into HK transport market?
  • What are the opportunities in Hong Kong and how do they face the challenges?
  • Views on the environment between Hong Kong and UK transportation field.

Post-Event Actions

  • Raise public awareness on new energy in transportation field.
  • Explore potential partnership with new innovation and industry players.
  • Attract tech solution/ innovative businesses to expand to the UK market.


Corin Wilson

British Consulate-General Hong Kong

Director, Trade & Investment

Corin is a career diplomat with nearly twenty years focussing on international trade for the UK Government.

Corin began his diplomatic career in China, based in Beijing, focussing on investment into the UK. Working with companies including China Mobile, Bank of China, Huawei from 2005 to 2009, he also led on Ministerial delegations to and from China including to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Upon returning from a posting to South Africa where he focused on the energy sector and supporting South African investment into the UK, Corin established the UK Government’s first commercial team on smart cities. Working globally to promote UK technological expertise in areas including intelligent transport systems, energy efficiency and data analytics, Corin also led trade missions to South East Asia and Europe as well as the UK’s presence at the Smart Cities Expo, Barcelona, from 2014 to 2016.

In 2016 Corin took up a posting in India, leading the UK’s advanced engineering interests. Promoting UK expertise in areas including aerospace, automotive and advanced manufacturing techniques, Corin worked closely with companies including Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Tata, Mahindra and Godrej. Before leaving India in 2020 he also led on UK/India collaboration in the space industry.

Corin has been Director, Trade & Investment in the Department for Business and Trade, based in the British Consulate General, Hong Kong since September 2020, leading teams focussing on industries including technology and innovation, financial services, infrastructure and creative.

Andy Boulton

Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd

Managing Director

Andy Boulton, the Managing Director at Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd.

“Following my Engineering degree at Warwick and 3 years at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden, my career started with Dennis Specialist Vehicles as a Technical Service Engineer with responsibility for Fire Appliance service issues. This soon developed into coach and then double-deck bus and I saw the hugely successful Trident into service in London back in 1998.

I spent nearly 5 years in the Far East in Hong Kong and Singapore managing Dennis’ interests in the Asia Pacific region before returning to the UK to head up the Alexander Dennis Chassis Sales team in Guildford. In this role, I managed the entry into service the ADL hybrid buses.

After a couple of years in Australia, I returned to Hong Kong as the Business Development and Technical Director for Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Here, I promoted and develop the ADL products through working closely with customers to meet the unique requirements of the respective territories.

For the last 2 years, I have been the Managing Director for Alexander Dennis (Asia Pacific) Ltd with overall responsibility for Alexander Dennis’s activities in the Asia Pacific Region.”

Jonathan Silver


General Counsel

Jonathan Silver is General Counsel at Purus.

Jonathan has 20 years’ legal experience in maritime, debt finance & leases. He was previously a partner in the shipping and ship finance department at the international law firm Watson Farley & Williams LLP, based in Hong Kong. Prior to that he was a partner at Maples Group, providing Marshall Islands and BVI and Cayman legal services. Jonathan worked as Head of Shipping, North Asia at the international law firm Norton Rose Fulbright from 2004 to 2019 (with a short stint at a boutique law firm in Hong Kong). Jonathan is qualified as a lawyer in the BVI, England & Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland and the Marshall Islands and is appointed as a notary public in Hong Kong. His specialist areas include shipping, ship finance, banking (debt, leases), commodities, oil & gas and general finance.

Jonathan took a BA (Hons) degree in Chinese at S.O.A.S (University of London) before qualifying in law at City University (London) and City University (Hong Kong).

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