Business Environment Council Limited (BEC) is an independent, charitable corporate membership organisation, established by the business sector in Hong Kong.
Since its establishment in 1992, BEC has been at the forefront of promoting environmental excellence by advocating the uptake of clean technologies and practices which reduce waste, conserve resources, prevent pollution and improve corporate environmental and social responsibility.
BEC offers sustainable solutions and professional services covering advisory, research, assessment, training and award programmes for government, business and the community, thus enabling environmental protection and contributing to the transition to a net-zero economy.
Exclusive benefits and opportunities for BEC members at ReThink HK 2025
BEC Pavilion and Discount on Expo Booth Space
- Exclusive BEC Pavilion with additional exposure: A cost-effective pavilion area for BEC members
- 10% discount on full-rate expo booth space rental for BEC members
- Plus, 50% funding support for eligible companies via the EMF subsidy
Complimentary Pass for BEC Council Member
- 1 x complimentary 2-day VIP Pass for each BEC Council Member
- 3 x 2-day VIP pass per Member Company exclusively for C-suite job titles (to include Head of, and Group Head of, Sustainability)
Complimentary Pass for BEC Corporate Member
- 1 x complimentary 2-day event Pass for each BEC Corporate Member
Discounted Rate to Book Your Delegate Passes
- BEC members can book the delegate pass at the best rate from 23 April to 2 September using the exclusive promo code
- Group booking service is available for five or more passes
- BEC will get in touch with members soon on the full BEC benefits at ReThink HK 2025
For full details of BEC member benefits including the exclusive promo code for discounted passes, and complimentary pass redemption, please contact BEC at membership@bec.org.hk or the BEC representative within your organisation.
Need to check whether your organisation is a BEC member and who is the representative? Check here.
Request more details on BEC member benefit
BEC Membership Programme
BEC welcomes organisations of all sizes across diverse sectors to join BEC as members and contribute to Hong Kong’s sustainable development and net-zero transition.
BEC members can enjoy exclusive benefits and opportunities at ReThink HK 2025 and other BEC activities.
Contact BEC today for further details.
Visit the BEC Membership page
Emily Chan
(852) 2784 3924
BEC Advisory Services
Sustainability and ESG Advisory
Our experts help the business community connect the dots between sustainability and business objectives to manage risks, embrace opportunities, enhance growth, build trust and create value. The ESG Advisory team collaborates with clients to convert sustainability into a strategic advantage.
Visit BEC’s ESG Advisory page for more details
Green Buildings
Our practitioners help businesses implement the latest technology to upgrade the performance of the built environment, enhance energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and remain competitive in a low-carbon world.
Visit the BEC’s Green Building page for more details
Indoor Air Quality
Good indoor air quality (IAQ) is intrinsic to business sustainability. It helps enhance productivity, competitiveness, efficiency and staff morale. The BEC IAQ Solutions Centre was the first accredited Certificate Issuing Body (CIB) under the Hong Kong Inspection Body Accreditation Scheme (HKIAS) to assess the IAQ of the premises/buildings against the IAQ objectives under HKIAS 003 & ISO/IEC 17020.
Visit the BEC’s Indoor Air Quality page for more details
Environmental Management
Environmental Management (EM) team at BEC helps businesses identify and manage their eco-footprint and provides strategic advice for achieving environmental excellence. Our environmental management services cover waste and resource management, environmental due diligence, and advice related to ISO 14001 and green procurement.
Visit the BEC’s Environmental Management page for more details
BEC Policy & Research
Policy & Research (P&R) team at BEC supports the transition of Hong Kong for a Net-zero future. We conduct evidence-based research, make recommendation and respond to policy consultations covering three environmental focus areas which are Climate Change, Circular Economy and Sustainable Living Environment.
Read the latest BEC’s policy submission, publications and the environmental focus areas.
BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter
The Net-zero Carbon Charter is to mobilise companies and organisations to collectively contribute towards Hong Kong’s long term decarbonisation journey through their pledge to set and achieve carbon reduction targets.
The Charter has been the first of its kind to respond specifically to the call for action of the Paris Agreement. Signatories have to set and commit to decarbonisation target that supported by a comprehensive action plan. The Charter is now under rebranding process and the new version of Charter will be available soon.
Visit the BEC’s Net-zero Carbon Charter page for more details
BEC Institute of Environmental Education
The BEC Institute of Environmental Education (BEC IEE), a division of BEC, provides a platform for business managers and decision-makers to advance their knowledge and develop the expertise necessary for environmental decision-making. BEC IEE also facilitates professional development by promoting quality environmental education through various structured and tailor-made programmes.
Visit the IEE page for more details
BEC Key Events
EnviroSeries Conference
BEC’s flagship event EnviroSeries Conference aims to provide a cross-sector forum for stakeholders to discuss and address key issues related to Hong Kong’s environmental sustainability, and serves as a BEC’s key initiative for thought leadership development on important topical issues.
CEO Dialogue
BEC CEO Dialogue aims to provide a platform for idea exchange and experience sharing among business leaders and senior executives. Prestigious CEOs from renowned companies and organisations are invited as honourable guests to share their valuable insights on topics related to environmental excellence and sustainable development in Hong Kong.
Policy Dialogue Series
BEC provides an exclusive dialogue platform to facilitate our members to engage with each other, our partners, the government and other key stakeholders to address Hong Kong’s pressing environmental issues.