EnviroEvents HK’s Net Zero Carbon Events Initiatives
EnviroEvents HK is a signatory of the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiatives (NZCE), we dedicated to working with all stakeholders to reach the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Recognizing the importance of prioritising sustainability within our operational framework, we strive to foster a future that is both environmentally conscious and socially responsible. Our latest Sustainability Report has pinpointed five key categories as major contributors to carbon emissions: “Energy,” “Production & Waste,” “Food & Food Waste,” “Freight & Logistics,” and “Travel”, which aligns with the 5 action areas as suggested by NZCE. We have also published a roadmap with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global GHG emissions by 50% by 2030.
Pioneering Sustainability: From our inaugural event, sustainability has been at the core of our operations, setting a benchmark for excellence from day one. Annually, ReThink HK actively engages with a diverse array of stakeholders, including our venue, main contractor, exhibitors, as well as the attendees, to systematically reduce our carbon footprint. While we have previously collaborated with external entities on carbon offsetting endeavours, we remain firmly committed to exploring innovative strategies to mitigate emissions, with carbon offsetting serving as the ultimate recourse to address any residual unavoidable emissions.
The below shows our roadmap to net zero in the five action areas
Short Term Goal (by 2030)
Long Term Goal (by 2050)
Selected venues located near city centres to minimize traffic-related emissions.
Request the venue to disclose any cost adjustments stemming from the use of renewable energy sources.
Choose venue that could provide full-renewable energy to power our event
Requested the venue to provide data on energy consumption
Collaborate with the venue to explore potential renewable energy sources suitable for our event.
Requested the main contractor to provide a breakdown of energy consumption figures for exhibition booths and conference theatres/stages
Coordinate with the main contractor to procure energy-efficient lighting systems and electronic appliances for the booths.
Engage with the venue to investigate the feasibility of implementing submetering within the premises to identify areas with significant energy consumption.
Production & Waste
Short Term Goal (by 2030)
Long Term Goal (by 2050)
Tracked various types of waste generated, including on the show floor.
Collaborate with the venue/exhibitors to expand recycling options for various waste streams.
Ensure zero waste is sent to landfills, with all materials either recycled, reused, refurbished, or repurposed.
Joined the Better Stands pilot programme on the use of reusable stands at events.
Execute the Better Stands Initiative, striving for all booths to meet the Silver Standard or higher.
Strive for all booths to attain the Gold Standard in the Better Stands program.
Utilized honeycomb instead of foamboard in booth constructions.
Significantly decrease the use of plastic in booth constructions.
Prohibit the use of all plastic types in booth constructions.
Provided an Event Web App to reduce the need for on-site printing.
Ensure comprehensive reporting on the disposal of waste and recyclables.
Transit to fully digital event badges.
Banned all single-used plastic
Recycle all carpet flooring post-event.
Introduced Sustainable Event Guidelines outlining compliance standards for exhibitors.
Explore eco-friendly alternatives to plastic wrapping for transportation purposes.
Food & Food Waste
Short Term Goal (by 2030)
Long Term Goal (by 2050)
Gathered food waste statistics from the venue.
Collaborate with the venue to introduce sustainable food choices, excluding beef and lamb options.
Strive for 90% of the menu selections to comprise vegetarian or vegan options.
Explore opportunities to contribute surplus food to charitable organizations.
Freight & Logistics
Short Term Goal (by 2030)
Long Term Goal (by 2050)
Acquired freight and logistics data from our main contractor.
Collaborate with our suppliers to source materials from nearby regions.
Establish a systematic framework to enhance the measurement of carbon emissions from various transportation sources, including air, road, rail and ship.
Promoted and incentivized contractors to opt for sustainable choices, such as electric vans and lorries.
Released the Sustainable Event Guidelines to establish a framework of compliance standards for exhibitors.
Travel & Accommodation
Short Term Goal (by 2030)
Long Term Goal (by 2050)
Collected attendee travel data to calculate carbon emissions from travel.
Offer attendees the chance to voluntarily offset their carbon footprint.
Implement an opt-out option rather than an opt-in option for attendee travel offsetting.
Collaborated with the local transportation sector to offer discounts or free tickets to attendees opting for low-carbon transportation modes to the event.
Discourage attendees from using non-public transport to reach the event.
Engaged a local vendor to minimise the long-distance travel of supporting staff.
Encourage international attendees to choose airlines that utilise Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
Formed a partnership with a sustainability-accredited hotel to provide rooms for overseas speakers and delegates.