Are you looking for new ways to improve your bottom line? Do you want to achieve your sustainability roadmap and drive positive change? Combine both objectives and gain a lasting competitive advantage by creating shared value.
Going beyond ESG and CSR
Creating Shared Value is an alternative way of doing business where profit and purpose mutually reinforce. The concept was coined in an award-winning 2011 article in the Harvard Business Review, by Prof. Michael Porter and Mark Kramer. “Shared value is not social responsibility, philanthropy or sustainability, but a new way for companies to achieve economic success”, Porter and Kramer explained.
Since 2011, Creating Shared Value has spun off into a global movement present on all continents. An increasing number of forward-thinking businesses are using their day-to-day operations to meet social and environmental issues head-on. In practice, companies create shared value in three ways: reconceiving products and markets, redefining productivity in value chains, and enabling local cluster development.

Your next pocket of opportunities
By applying the shared value business lens, societal and environmental issues become tremendous opportunities for businesses to innovate, create competitive advantage and build resilience.
Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong, one of the five shared value hubs in the world, is a non-profit organisation funded by leading companies to drive the purpose-led business movement in Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China. We believe that sustainable companies of tomorrow are those bringing scalable and profitable solutions to the most pressing challenges of today. We help make it happen through dedicated programmes and vivid ecosystem.

As ReThink HK Content Partner again this year, we curate a full-day learning experience on Rethinking Value. Join us at the Change Makers stage on 6 October.