Business Environment Council Limited (“BEC”) officially launched the newly rebranded BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter at BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter Launch Ceremony in August. BEC was honoured to have Mr C.F. Wong, JP, Commissioner for Climate Change of the HKSAR Government, as the officiating guest of the ceremony to celebrate this remarkable milestone.
BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter, riding on the merits of its predecessor BEC Low Carbon Charter launched in 2019, has attracted a total of 60 signatories from a diverse range of industries including property and construction, banking and finance, engineering and architecture, aviation and shipping, power and utilities, and hospitality sectors.
BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter consists of two parts: Declaration and Commitment. Signatories, who can commit to either Action Signatory or Science-aligned Signatory, are required to self-report their progress and achievements as requested by BEC once a year. Regarding emission reduction ambition, Action Signatories should have a clear reduction target as minimum requirement; whereas Science-aligned Signatories should clearly pursue reduction targets following 1.5°C aligned science-based pathway.
In addition, signatories will be invited to share their insights and experience in BEC’s co-learning workshops / activities. They will also have access to BEC expertise and opportunity to participate in charter support programmes such as Power Up Coalition, Carbon Disclosure Programme, Hong Kong International Airport Carbon Capacity Building Programme, and Global Connect Initiative.
As an ongoing initiative, BEC will continue to welcome companies to embark on their decarbonisation journey toward net zero by signing BEC Net-zero Carbon Charter.