We are pleased to announce that ICTI Ethical Toy Program (IETP) reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. This is our Communication of Engagement with the United Nations Global Compact, we welcome feedback on its contents.

In our Communication of Engagement (COE), we describe the actions our organization has taken to support the UN Global Compact and its Principles between 2020-2022. We commit to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.

As the specialist responsible sourcing program in the global supply chain, the well-being of manufacturing workers sits at the heart of our organization. IETP supports buyers and suppliers across 45 countries & regions in various sectors on their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) journey. We are dedicated to developing tools & offering our expertise to help our partners measure and improve their impacts. We help organisations achieve their sustainability objectives and create better lives for workers associated with the production of their products.

In the last two years, we have developed new programs which go beyond our robust social certification, enhanced our technology platforms to drive supply chain sustainability, and formed many collaborative partnerships to amplify impacts.

We look forward to engaging more stakeholders around the globe. Please read our COE via https://wdr-test-icti.cdn.prismic.io/wdr-test-icti/f9dabaaa-d3da-43f8-b3b7-f243460c842a_IETP+-+UNGC+Communication+Of+Engagement+2020-2022.pdf.

And Click here to view the support & tools we make available to businesses of all sizes and sectors.

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