If you buy 10 shirts a year, dyeing them uses 400 liters of water – that is 2.6 months’ drinking water.
Evidently, fashion is a thirsty business. It is the second most water-intensive industry globally, with a striking 65% of all water used in cotton clothing production going towards the dyeing process.
In a groundbreaking collaboration, men’s shirt brand DETERMINANT and ECOHUES have joined forces to create the world’s first collection of Cotton Waterless Dye shirts. This partnership boldly reimagines the fashion industry’s reliance on water with Cotton Waterless Dye technology, an innovative dyeing technique that saves 40 liters* of water per shirt.
Traditional water-bath dyeing uses water, salt, and chemical dye solvents, and only has a dye utilization rate of 60-70%, while requiring large amounts of water to rinse off excess color that fails to bond to the fibers.
In comparison, Cotton Waterless Dye technology uses a recyclable organic solvent in a closed-loop process that eliminates the need for water and salt and has an impressive dye utilization rate of 97%. In other words, it eliminates any hazardous chemical residuals from being discharged into the environment.
DETERMINANT believes that every drop of water holds power. 40 liters of water saved per shirt can create a force of change and make a significant impact on our lives. Join the movement. Visit www.detshirts.com to learn more.
*Data is based on the water consumption of a dark blue men’s dress shirt; water consumption rate varies based on style and color.