Waste management is one of Hong Kong’s imminent challenges. Hong Kong needs to deal with an unsustainable amount of waste in a small geographical area. With the recent downturn in the external recycling market, the need for local recycling is crucial to the sustainable development of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR Government is determined to increase the recovery rate to about 55% by 2035, through the implementation of charges on municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal. These initiatives have led stakeholders to seek more comprehensive solutions of smart recycling, promoting the sustainable development of the recycling chain.
In line with the “Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035”, SmartMore has been improving the waste recycling solution to facilitate common recyclable materials such as waste paper, plastics, and metals. We aim to achieve easier collection and better management of recyclables by equipping the recycling system with cutting-edge smart technology, big data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT). The new generation waste management system ensures traceability of recycling data, optimizes maintenance and servicing arrangements, maximises efficiency, and reduces the cost of recycling. All in all, the system provides data to measure, manage and improve.
Furthermore, we are in tie with smart city development to further develop the recycling network. Technical trails have been carried out under the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)’s Pilot Programme on Smart Recycling System. Smart recycling facilities with such system will be introduced progressively to local communities for pilot applications. Not only making waste sorting easier for recycling, but also makes it more convenient for every person to join the recycling efforts.
Innovations and Technologies are the backbones of a comprehensive recycling solution which cater for sustainability. SmartMore will continue to empower smart recycling with our advanced technology in computer vision. “Smart Tech for Smarter and Sustainable Future!”