Having started in Boston and worked with various organizations, including Moderna Therapeutics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), on smart waste reduction management, Spare-it continues on its goal to help Property Developers and Leading Multinational companies embed Sustainability as part of their workplace culture.

Spare-it is a Boston-based cleantech start-up that offers unique solutions for the real-time monitoring of waste streams and sustainability education in workplaces through proprietary technology.
As more and more companies are turning towards a ‘green transition’ and are seeking to adapt to a more sustainable arrangement; they face the problem of not having the necessary technology to properly measure and track their waste.

Through smart sensors, Spare-it provides companies with real-time data on their waste. We analyze data individually and help tailor specific solutions to each user’s needs. In combination with their education & engagement program, Spare-it helps;
- Build a sense of community, by creating a competition-based waste reduction program
- Increase transparency, by bringing live data and relative performance tracking
- Generate Motivation & Engagement, by providing live visualizations and targeted educational content

Currently, Spare-it is creating awareness with its technology and engagement solution across the US, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Hong Kong, and is striving to help more companies achieve their ESG goals while fostering an eco-conscious culture.