Hong Kong must go digital to boost its water security

On World Water Day, I would like to remind people that we are avoidably wasting one of the world’s most precious resources when 2.2 billion people live without access to safe water.

In Hong Kong, we are witnessing serious water loss: unmetered water consumption accounts for 37 per cent of total consumption. Last year, the leakage rate of government mains was 13.4 per cent. The leakage rate for private pipes is estimated to be 12 per cent. I suspect many are unaware of the leakage of that much water and public money.

Minimising water loss is urgently needed to reduce unnecessary wastage and limit carbon emissions. Water treatment and round-the-clock distribution to residents in high-rise buildings consumes a lot of energy. Curbing water loss can also help alleviate the government’s financial burden, especially as the city faces a huge budget deficit.

There are many good practices that Hong Kong can learn from. Denmark, for example, has achieved average water loss of 7.8 per cent by implementing technological measures coupled with financial penalties imposed on utility companies for water distribution loss that exceeds 10 per cent.

The coverage rate of Shenzhen’s smart meters reached 73 per cent last year. By integrating emerging technologies into water management, the city’s overall water leakage rate dropped to 5.1 per cent. This is a good model to learn from.

With the development of the Northern Metropolis and the growth of the information technology industry which has a massive need for water to cool equipment, the city’s water consumption is estimated to rise by 40 per cent in 2050.

The authorities should consider speeding up the adoption of digital water management technology such as smart meters and artificial intelligence systems that can effectively track real-time consumption and quickly detect leakages.

Reducing water wastage and expanding new water sources – such as reusing recycled grey water for non-potable purposes – will save government revenue and protect our environment. As an international city, Hong Kong should not fall behind mainland China or cities around the world like Singapore, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Melbourne and Dubai where digital water solutions have been put in place to safeguard water security. The government should also raise public awareness about water scarcity and the limits of local reservoirs in supporting overall consumption. We must act now to conserve water while fulfilling the targeted timeline of several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Edwin Lau Che-feng, executive director,

The Green Earth

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