The built environment contributes to around 40% of global emissions, and construction materials contribute around half of this. Although low carbon materials exist on the market they are expensive and there are many challenges around their usage within projects.
In mid-2023, RESET Carbon and The Hong Kong Proptech Alliance came together to solve this issue, forming the “Buyers’ Group for Low-Carbon Construction Materials.” The group’s brief was to develop the technical toolkit required to roll-out low carbon construction materials across the construction industry in Hong Kong, with the buy-in of all major private sector players.
We are excited to be releasing the group’s first product at ReThink in September – The Technical Procurement Guideline for Low-Carbon Construction Materials.
The guide will cover which materials to buy, how to form an embodied carbon working group in your projects, and give detailed implementation guidance on how to write specifications for these materials.
To learn more about the release, join the discussion during ReThink on September 12th with Liam Salter, RESET Carbon’s CEO, and Eddie Tse, Group Sustainability Manager for Gammon Construction as they explore “Embodied Carbon – Partnerships to Decarbonize Hong Kong’s Construction Industry”.
You can also register your interest below to receive the guideline once it has been released. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RY7B753