Ozoeater, an ozone purifying paint that semi-permanently decomposes ozone (O3), the second most potent greenhouse gas after CO2 and CH4 (methane), directly into oxygen. In China and elsewhere in Asia, where ozone pollution is becoming an increasingly serious problem, Ozoeater Pafcal, made by applying Ozoeater to Pafcal (Soilless Media), has been commercialized as an air-purifying product. Ozoeater is 99%+ effective in eliminating odors caused by ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

Ozoeater Pafcal Vertical Green Wall had been introducted to Hong Kong and completed several successful cases. One of the most significated landmark is “AIRSIDE” in Kai Tak, a shopping and office complex. As reported by Yahoo! NEWS, the biggest source of ozone is automobile exhaust. Plant Plant Holding (Hong Kong base biggest soilless vertical green specialist) applied the coating on Green Building facade that erect more than 60,000 plants around the large electronic screen. Although the initial cost is twice the price of ordinary green wall, it is still worth investing in “From the view of actual purification performance and the overall sustainability eco system.

Pafcal allows reuse and recycle the withered plants’ media for organic farming. This project alone not only can reduce ~1.12 tons of carbon dioxide and purify 17 grams of ozone every year but combined with the soilless Pafcal media can save 120 tons of water annually. Thanks for the improvment of air quality around the plants, the replacement rate reduce in large scale by 30% compare with previous system. To maximize public engagement of universal planting, we are planning the grand kick-off ceremony of +0.1 movement in “AIRSIDE” to recruit 0.1% more population to start planting each year.