Air pollution is a silent and insidious killer. Seven million people around the world die from exposure to it every year. In Hong Kong, air pollution is a major environmental and health concern. Yet, many of us believe that there’s not much we, as members of the general public, can do about it.
PRAISE-HK-EXP, a game-changing mobile app developed by the scientists from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is about to change this mind-set.

Turning invisible air pollution to visible
Pulling together advanced technologies in real-time smart-city informatics, emissions characterization, urban built form, and advanced numerical weather and air quality models that forecast where the pollutants will go and what they might evolve into, this intuitive mobile app provides a detailed outdoor air quality variation map of your neighborhood and the forecasted changes in the air quality at your current and bookmarked locations over the following two days.

You assess the risks. You make the decisions.
More than that, with mobile tracking technology, PRAISE-HK-EXP tracks your daily exposure to air pollution – outdoor, indoor, and on different modes of transport – as you go about your daily activities. It then creates a profile for you summarizing your personal exposure to air pollution throughout the day and provides suggestions on how to mitigate the health risks stemming from it.

Download the app now –
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/PRAISE-HK-EXP-Android
App Store: https://tinyurl.com/PRAISE-HK-EXP-IOS