SGS Hong Kong partnered with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong to host a successful luncheon event “Lunch & Learn: The Path to Decarbonization”, focusing on sustainability assurance and innovative technology for carbon management to achieve corporate sustainability goals.
The event aimed to facilitate discussions on best practices for decarbonization and reducing carbon emissions in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region. Industry experts shared insights, strategies, and technologies to address the challenges of climate change.
Billy Lai, Deputy Director at SGS discussed our experiences with Frédéric Rolli, the Head of Swiss Corporate Clients, Asia Pacific at UBS and Ir. Dannies Ho, Purchasing Manager at Towngas, provided valuable sharing on the supply chain implementation for carbon management with SGS S-Carbon digital carbon management platform and platform can help organizations manage suppliers’ carbon emissions (scope 3 emissions) systematically.

The event provided an opportunity for guests from various industries to engage in interesting and insightful discussions on how to start the journey to decarbonization. Collaborations like these luncheon events are important first steps to raise awareness, facilitate knowledge sharing, and ignite action towards decarbonization among businesses in Hong Kong. Through partnerships and innovative technologies, organizations can chart an effective transition towards a low-carbon future.
Learn more about S-Carbon: https://bit.ly/43lTXu4