It’s a Swiss success story with a global appeal: two years after its inception, the Basel-based company Tide Ocean SA has already collected the equivalent of 30 million plastic bottles from coasts, beaches, and islands in Southeast Asia and transformed them into durable products with an award-winning upcycling process. The company is not only making an important contribution to protect the oceans but is also implementing solutions to close the cycle of plastic waste pollution. The Financial Times complimented Tide Ocean for its commitment to pay fishermen and local communities fair wages: “A just transition for communities such as these adds to the sustainability balance sheet.”

These pledges and the high-quality of #tide®’s raw material have already led to fine collaborations. More than 20 products have reached market maturity, including a luxury watch by fashion designer Tom Ford, where both the case and the watch strap were made from #tide ocean material®. Winter & Company has developed Toile Ocean, the world’s first book cover made of ocean-bound plastic. And the traditional company Meister & Cie. offers with their OceanYarn a range of high-quality ropes, cords and strings spun with #tide ocean material®.

And the prospects look impressive: “In 2022, there will be a substantial breakthrough in new markets, several major mass production projects in the furniture industry will be introduced.”” says founder and CEO Thomas Schori.