Enactus Hong Kong is a student-led charity that promotes social innovation through managing 12 chapters in local universities. We organise the annual Hong Kong Regional Competition of the Enactus World Cup, as well as various training sessions, workshops and mentorship programmes to guide students along their way in idealising and materialising a social enterprise idea. We also collaborate with various corporate partners, NGOs and social enterprises in organising hackathons and case competitions to hone students’ social awareness and business mindset.
Our initiative in accelerating sustainable development in Hong Kong:
We are currently organizing various youth-led initiatives to empower university students in Hong Kong. Global Social Innovation Summit (GSIS) is an annual summit that allows students across the globe to tackle issues as a 24-hour hackathon coupled with keynote speech and panel discussion from industry leaders. Our Social Business Mentorship Programme connects undergraduates with nonprofit/social impact professional in the city and allows students to interact with their mentors in small groups to give them an insider’s insight into the sector. Lastly, our Social Business Internship Programme connects undergraduates with 20+ organizations to offer hands on working experience and training workshops to students passionate and eager to learn more about ESG, corporate responsibility and the nonprofit industry.