Guangdong Property and Facilities Management Association of the Greater Bay Area is a non-profit organization formed with membership from the related enterprises, groups, as well as individual professionals of city public service and facilities management in the Greater Bay Area. GBA.GDOFMA was formed in June 2022.
Our sustainability goals for 2024:
-Lead members to follow the national development policies and strategies closely, capturing opportunities to provide quality services in the Greater Bay Area, promoting the integration of the professions in the industry.
-Guide members of the Association to join actively in contributing the the Greater Bay Area, motivate them to enter into the “One core, One belt, One zone” regional development pattern, and establish multi-cultural cooperation communication platform for the professions.
-Promote unification in the collaboration and development opportunity of service standards and certification of qualifications in the industry, to enhance in the cities of the Greater Bay Area.
General Enquiry Email Address: