The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Limited

The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (SCCHK) connects Swiss businesses, advocates their interests, and facilitates networking. It collaborates with the International Business Committee, hosts informative events with prominent speakers, and supports Swiss nationals in HKSAR, enhancing opportunities within the community.

Our sustainability goals for 2024:

  • Certified Sustainability: Introduce a recognition program for members championing sustainability in Hong Kong’s business landscape.
  • Green Events: Implement eco-friendly practices in chamber events across Hong Kong, minimising waste and carbon footprint.
  • Sustainability Series: Launch quarterly leadership sessions, enlightening members about sustainable business trends in the context of Hong Kong.
  • Youth Engagement: Collaborate with education institutions to heighten awareness of sustainability among Hong Kong’s youth through dedicated programs.

Products, Services & Solutions;

  • Charity/NGO