Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

Hong Kong’s Economic Fabric as a Conduit for Biodiversity Protection

Day 1 : 15:00 – 15:50

Hong Kong has an outsized ecological footprint. Yet its strategic position as a trade and financial centre offers a unique opportunity for businesses to work with regulators, conservationists and other stakeholders to capitalize on our economic fabric, and drive a role for the city as a global leader for biodiversity protection.


  • Many of Hong Kong’s leading sectors, such as transport, logistics, finance and technology, touch on nature. Yet their direct and indirect impact on biodiversity remains poorly understood.
  • How can businesses identify supply chain vulnerabilities, and address legal, financial, reputational and associated risks?
  • How can leading companies in Hong Kong work to enhance policies, business practices, and oversight, and engage internal and external stakeholders to navigate biodiversity protection across multiple industries and geographies?

Post-Event Actions

  • Rethink the state of play in Hong Kong, and how your company and industry can examine and address vulnerabilities in your value chain, and contribute to transforming Hong Kong as a global leader in combating biodiversity loss.


Christine Loh

Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment

Christine Loh is Chief Development Strategist at Institute for the Environment at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Scholar in Residence at Asia Society Hong Kong (2023-24). She serves on the boards of CDP Worldwide, Global Maritime Forum, New Forests Pty Limited, and Towngas Smart Energy. She is a published author of many academic and popular works; her latest book is on COVID-19 from a global governance perspective.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To help bring sustainability come ‘alive’ in class and in community.

Sam Inglis

Wildlife Programme Manager

Sam is the Wildlife Programme Manager for the ADM Capital Foundation, where he oversees projects on wildlife trade and crime. An experienced researcher, Sam has worked on a range of environmental issues in Asia, including water security, cryospheric change and wildlife trade. He continues to develop the Foundation’s research on Hong Kong’s impacts on global biodiversity, engages the private sector on combatting converging wildlife & organised crimes, and contributes to policy discussions

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Continued expert engagement with policy makers and agencies to complement and fill gaps and loopholes in wildlife trade policies, and render existing policies more impactful through better enforcement

Melanie Kwok

Sino Group

Assistant General Manager (Sustainability) and Head of Sustainability

Melanie is the Assistant General Manager (Sustainability) and the Head of Sustainability of Sino Group. She oversees a range of sustainability projects related to ESG. Being a specialist in the realm of Sustainable Development for nearly 20 years, Melanie has also gained extensive experiences in Sustainable Tourism and Stakeholder Engagement.
Melanie holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Management from the Imperial College London, a Master Degree of Science in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Master Degree in Sustainable Business from the University of Cambridge. She is also a certified Sustainable Tourism Professional by Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
Melanie is serving various public duties, including the Vice Chairmen of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC)’s Environment & Sustainability Committee,
a member of the Publicity Working Group of Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and the Sub-committee on Youth and Capacity Building of the HKSAR Environment and Ecology Bureau.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024

Joining hands with our stakeholders in creating better lifescapes.

Alistair Monument

World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong

Conservation Impact Director, Asia Pacific

Alistair Monument is WWF International’s Conservation Impact Director in Asia Pacific, supporting regional and national teams to build impactful strategies, partnerships and programmes that deliver real conservation outcomes. He manages the regional WWF conservation team and is responsible for many large-scale transboundary projects and partnerships with corporates and donors including USAID, SIDA, KFW, DFAT. He sits on the Board of Trustees for TRAFFIC International and other organisations engaging in climate, biodiversity, supply chains and consumption, and has over 30 years of experience in sustainability across 40 countries. Alistair was previously the Global Forest Practice Leader with WWF, Asia Pacific Director at Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and was the founding Director of Assurance Services International (ASI).

Martin Putnam

Senior Manager, Biodiversity, Sustainability

Martin is an experienced sustainability professional with over 25 years experience driving and implementing practical and effective sustainability programmes, primarily in Hong Kong.Martin had a key role in the environmental planning for HKIA’s expansion into a 3-runway system, including securing an Environmental Permit for the mega-project and working to implement far reaching mitigation and enhancement commitments during project implementation. A key focus now is supporting the establishment of a much expanded marine protected area in N. Lantau waters together with implementing broad ranging enhancement initiatives intended to add value to nearby marine habitats.

In addition to working on biodiversity challenges, Martin previously led the design and roll out of an airport-wide carbon footprint and emissions reduction programme at HKIA, establishing a partnering and engagement approach across the airport business community to leverage a reduced airport environmental footprint.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Ever hopeful for real, collective, international progress on driving reduced environmental impacts in the context of increasingly ambitious yet often conveniently distant targets. On a personal scale, trying to make better choices and decisions in day to day life to better address local environmental impacts that I can control or influence.

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