Innovations & Technology Theatre

Opening Address and Report Launch: HK2050isNow Energy & Mobility Summit

Day 1 : 11:05 – 11:20


Lawrence Iu

Executive Director

Lawrence Iu is Executive Director at Civic Exchange. As a professional environmental strategist, he has profound experience in crafting climate change models and impactful public policies. His current focuses are on policy action in Energy, Building Energy Efficiency and Mobility. He has successfully built a platform with public, corporate and government stakeholders to craft an inclusive transition plan with strong buy-in.

In his previous roles in a multinational corporation and a higher institution, Lawrence led environmental sustainability and occupational health & safety projects across Asia Pacific and coordinated emerging technology management, circular economy and green chemistry research.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

Despite these difficult times, we must remain forward looking and anticipate the time of recovery. Even more so, we are now in a favourable position to make fundamental policy decisions to rethink our economic model, making it fit for a low carbon missions world, and to set course for a better, sustainable, and more liveable future for Hong Kong.

Bon Cheung

Civic Exchange

Research Analyst

Bon is graduated from the BSc student in Environmental Management and Technology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Currently, he is working as a Research Analyst at Civic Exchange. He has been leading research related to transition finance and taxonomy development. Bon has published several impactful articles related to green and sustainable finance development in major newspapers and business magazines. One of his recent articles about ESG risks is featured in the Knowledge Hub of the Chartered Banker Institute. Bon has also been influencing the market by hosting industry workshops and talks for market practitioners. For instance, he has been invited as a guest lecturer in a course offered by HKU-SPACE (Certificate for Module: Leadership in Applied ESG and Sustainability). With these achievements, he was recognised and nominated as one of the representatives of the HKUST to compete for the Oxford Green Finance Prize 2023.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Bring Theory to Practise, Connect Stakeholders, Facilitate the Low Carbon Transition in the GBA.

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