Change Makers Stage

Building Bridges: A Multigenerational Dialogue on Integrating Sustainability in Corporates

Day 2 : 12:25 – 13:15

“Building Bridges: A Multigenerational Dialogue on Integrating Sustainability in Corporates” is a panel discussion consisting of different actors collaborating on corporate sustainability projects – employers and youth employees from the same company, and start-up representatives with their larger corporate clients. Speakers are invited to share their case-studies of success, challenges faced, and advice related to leveraging opinions from youth in corporate settings.

The key takeaways from this session are:
(1) To gain understanding surrounding employer-employee collaboration for implementing systemic sustainability changes through leveraging youth opinions and ideas.
(2) To visualise how green start-ups and their clients can work together to implement change towards sustainability in corporations.
(3) For youth to gain insight into how they can voice their opinions as employees to drive change towards sustainability in their corporate roles.
(4) Showcase how companies can accommodate and be open minded towards youth opinions and ideas in corporate settings.


  1. Case-study overview by employer and client (higher corporate) representatives – Tell us about your experience related to initiating corporate sustainability, giving a specific example of multigenerational or interdepartmental collaboration.
  2. Ask employee and start-up representative about the initiation of their respective projects – How was the project initiated? What structures were in place to allow for sustainability related discussions?
  3. Identify pain-points, or past and present challenges, in executing sustainability initiatives – What challenges have you faced, or are you currently facing, in initiating and executing corporate sustainability initiatives
  4. Identify key factors for successful implementation of sustainability initiatives – What were the key factors, dynamics or structures that led towards successful implementation of sustainability projects at a corporate level?
  5. Future outlook and advice for both youth in corporate settings, and for corporates looking to implement sustainability, emphasising the importance of multigenerational dialogue on sustainability in corporate settings – What advice do you have for youth attempting to step up within their companies to initiate sustainability projects? What advice do you have for other corporations looking to implement sustainability? Why is it important to create spaces for youth to speak up in corporate settings?

Post-Event Actions

  • Empower youth to speak up and share ideas regarding sustainability in corporate settings, and encourage youth to initiate cross-departmental collaboration for interdisciplinary action.
  • Promote sustainability initiatives across corporations, inspiring additional sustainability-related corporate action
  • For business representatives, we hope to inspire the creation of spaces for youth and mobilise resources to encourage integration of sustainability.

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