The Opportunities and Challenges of Building the Northern Metropolis as Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley

Day 1 : 17:10 – 18:00

The Northern Metropolis initiative intends to transform an area covering one-third of Hong Kong that is mostly farmland and villages into an international innovation and technology hub, however brings about a number of opportunities and challenges. This session will bring in experts in the fields of city planning, infrastructure, and industries to share their insights on how this ambitious initiative can be achieved.


  • What is the development timeline of the Northern Metropolis and how realistic is this?
  • What are the key industries that we should be targeting to help support, promote and ensure the success of this project?
  • What is missing? What is needed to attract the right companies and talent?

Post-event Actions

  • Understand the opportunities and challenges associated with the Northern Metropolis project.


Jason Leung

Our Hong Kong Foundation

Head of Land and Housing Research

Jason is the Head of Land and Housing Research at Our Hong Kong Foundation. He manages a team of research professionals to conduct in-depth research on land and housing, transport and logistics, and retail and tourism. He is also a regular commentator on land and housing policies and the real estate market on various media channels including TV, radio, and print newspapers. Before joining HOKF, Jason worked at the MTR Corporation, where he was part of the leasing team that opened The LOHAS, a regional mall at the centrepiece of LOHAS Park.

He holds a Master of Social Science degree in Public Policy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science degree in Real Estate from the University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Global Business and Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

James Sze


Director – Strategic Projects

James is Director of Strategic Projects with Arup East Asia Region. He leads multidisciplinary teams to secure and deliver major and complex projects through technical excellence, seamless collaboration within Arup and beyond, digitalisation and a focus on sustainability.

With 30 years of experience in all stages of major infrastructure and building projects across the region, James has been playing a prominent role in various major planning studies and subsequent infrastructure design projects in Hong Kong. Notable projects include Planning & Engineering Studies for Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands in which Smart, Green and Resilience planning principles promulgated by Arup has been applied to enhance livability and sustainability. The digital planning standard developed has also extended to various New Development Areas in the Northern Metropolis where Arup has two decades of involvement to achieve a better planning outcome.

Former Chairman of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong, James currently serves on various government, professional and university committees, where he influences policymaking and industry practice to advance sustainable development and betterment of the consulting sector.

Wander Meijer

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Executive Director

Wander is a senior executive with 25+ years management experience in businesses and NGOs in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America.

Wander leads Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden as Executive Director, where he and his team of 250+ staff work on biodiversity, wildlife rehabilitation, organic farming, reforestation, sustainable living and holistic education with the mission to harmonize our (human) relationship with nature.

Furthermore, Wander is business advisor of and impact investor in social enterprises in Africa and the Netherlands, related to poverty alleviation and agricultural transition.

Wander has a master’s degree Development Geography and Economics with as main subject: ‘Why are some countries rich and others poor?’ and what can we do about it! Specifically, how can we change our current economic model and human behavior to better live within the ecological boundaries of the earth.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

To make Nature the most important stakeholder in any (re)development plan for Hong Kong.

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