European Stage

Building Resilience & Capturing Opportunities through Climate Adaptation

Day 1 : 14:50 – 15:20

Climate change impacts remain prominent even as we try to reduce our emissions. We are experiencing more and more extreme weather events, and businesses are suffering huge losses and damage from these events. In this session, we will discuss ways from the perspective of Zurich Resilience Solutions, which is composed of climate data scientists, environmental specialists, and engineers, to share how businesses can adapt to mitigate risks while capturing opportunities through climate adaptation.


  • Why is climate adaptation important?
  • How can businesses adapt to physical climate risks?
  • What considerations should businesses take into account?

Post-event Actions

  • Understand the importance of adaptation.
  • Learn about approaches to building adaptation through case studies.


Ken Yuen

Zurich Resilience Solutions, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

Climate Change & Sustainability Risk Consultant

Ken Yuen is a Climate Change and Sustainability Risk Consultant at Zurich Resilience Solutions, supporting customers in adapting to the physical risks and impacts of climate change by leveraging Zurich’s proprietary tools and expertise.

Prior to joining Zurich, he was involved in extensive sustainability consulting projects across various Asian countries, including sustainability disclosure, carbon accounting, strategy planning, and risk management.

Ken holds a BSc in Environmental Science (The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology) and a Masters’ Degree in Sustainability Leadership and Governance (The
University of Hong Kong).

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Raise awareness about climate adaptation in the region
  • Support businesses in identifying, assessing, and managing climate risks