Finance & Supply Chains Theatre

Measuring, Reporting and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions

Day 2 : 15:15 – 16:05

As stated by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, “Scope 3 emissions often represent the largest source of emissions for organizations, but they can be the most challenging to quantify and reduce.” These emissions are linked to future transition risks that could impact asset values and operating costs, affecting financing and operating decisions. Measuring value chain emissions is critical.
This panel will explore the challenges and practices around measuring, reporting, and reducing scope 3 emissions. Expert speakers will share insights on engaging with suppliers and customers to drive emissions measurement and target setting.


  • Discuss key challenges in measuring and managing indirect emissions.
  • Explore enablers for measuring scope 3 emissions, including data collection strategies, collaboration with suppliers and customers, and leveraging existing reporting frameworks and tools.
  • Sharing best practices, case studies, and lessons learned in scope 3 emissions management from leading organizations across sectors.

Post-event Actions

  • Gain practical knowledge and insights to measure scope 3 emissions.
  • Explore partnerships with value chain partners to collaborate on scope 3 emissions measurement and reduction.
  • Establish a network of peers and experts to continue sharing best practices in scope 3 emissions management.


Serena Mak, CESGA CPA (Aust.) FRM

Friends of the Earth (HK)

Board Governor & Honorary Secretary

Serena is currently working as Executive Director in the Sustainable Finance team within the Institutional Banking Group of DBS Hong Kong.

Prior to DBS, Serena was the Head of ESG Funding Asia for Home Credit, an international consumer finance provider that focuses on responsible lending to people with little or no credit history.

Serena also has over 15 years of experience with Goldman Sachs treasury and market operations in Singapore and Hong Kong, with focus on liquidity management and payment transaction surveillance across the APAC region.

Ms. Mak is also serving as Board Governor & Honorary Secretary at Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) with a focus on Green and Sustainable Finance development in Asia.

Ms. Serena Mak holds both MSc Investment Management and BBA (Hons) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Fabrice Bayon


Managing Director Hong Kong

Fabrice Bayon is an executive manager, top 5 Executive MBA graduate from HEC, with 20 years’ expertise in the development and implementation of innovative, profitable, and sustainable policies.
Within PALO IT, he helps organizations to transform their ideas into digital added-value products, offering a crafted-end-to-end approach with fast-time delivery to market customers.

Fabrice also holds multiple roles at the French Chamber in Hong Kong, including being a Councillor and the President of the Digital Innovation Committee, where he oversees the chamber’s activities and shares market insights on digital and innovation.

He is a visionary and results-driven leader

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Promote Green IT Practices:
Advocate for more companies in Hong Kong to adopt green IT practices, such as using energy-efficient servers and promoting digital sustainability.

2. Beyond Mandatory ESG Regulations:
Encourage companies to go beyond meeting mandatory ESG regulations by enhancing their sustainability efforts, such as consistently tracking and improving their initiatives.

3. Increase Employee Engagement:
Advocate for more companies to host sustainability training programs specifically tailored for Hong Kong-based employees.

Athena Ng

China Overseas Land & Investment Limited

General Manager, Corporate Finance & Corporate Communications Dept

Athena Ng is a Board Member of Friends of the Earth (HK), one of Hong Kong’s most prominent and long established green groups. She is the General Manager, Corporate Finance & Corporate Communications Departments of China Overseas Land & Investment Limited (688.HK), responsible for corporate finance, media, investor relations, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and other Board related matters.

Athena’s 20 years of investment and corporate finance experience spanned from accountant to investment banker to, currently, corporate executive. She started her career as an accountant in New York and subsequently worked at various investment banks (HSBC, J.P.Morgan and RBS), executing fundraisings (private placements, IPOs, right issues, bond issuance) and M&A transactions and recommended optimal financing solution for companies across Asia with primary coverage in real estate, but also in the retail and consumer sector.

Athena is a CFA Charterholder, a Certified Public Accountant of Hong Kong and the State of Virginia. She is a Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Credential holder and a Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA®) of The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS). Athena holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce from The University of Virginia.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

More actionable goals and items

Sam Nunn

RESET Carbon Limited

Business Development Manager

Sam is Business Development Manager at RESET, focusing on identifying new business opportunities, working on practice strategy, and building client relationships across practice areas.

Prior to joining RESET, he spent nearly 7 years in the construction industry at Hilti Group, working in various disciplines including product development, operations and marketing. Most recently he was Head of Sustainability for North Asia, focused on developing the regional decarbonization and circularity strategy, and development of customer-facing sustainability solutions for contractors and building owners.

Sam holds a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from Loughborough University in the UK, and holds an ISSB FSA Credential in Sustainability Accounting.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • Real momentum around embodied carbon reduction in the built environment, and adoption of our upcoming low carbon construction procurement guideline by the industry
  • Corporations with Science Based Targets to accelerate forward progress on their implementation journeys
  • A move away from ESG compliance towards serious financed emissions reduction in the financial sector

Dipjay Sanchania


Director – Climate & Energy

Dipjay is an intrapreneur with a passion for and a proven record of developing business solutions at the intersection of energy, economics, and the environment. At adidas, he leads the decarbonization and energy transition across the global supply chain. This involves program development, target setting, and providing technical guidance to a portfolio of 400+ factories across 24+ countries in areas such as Renewable Energy, Phasing out Coal, and Energy Efficiency.

Given that the supply chain contributes close to 90% of adidas’ carbon footprint, Dipjay’s team plays a vital role in achieving corporate carbon reduction targets and communicating their progress through the Annual Integrated Report, CDP, etc.

Additionally, Dipjay is involved in policy advocacy and industry alignment on decarbonization aspects through periodic engagement with Governments, UNFCCC’s Fashion Charter, USAID, and industry associations.

Dipjay, an Electrical Engineer and MBA, has served companies/clients like Tata Chemicals, Ernst & Young (EY), CLP, Amazon, and adidas over the last 20 years, providing energy and decarbonization solutions.

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