Finance & Supply Chains Theatre

Finance – Facilitating or Failing the Energy Transition?

Day 1 : 15:45 – 16:35

While we often hear that the energy transition represents an historic opportunity for the financial sector, funding is still not flowing fast enough to meet Paris targets in any area of the economy. Emerging zero-carbon technologies and the “brown to green” capital investments needed to facilitate the energy transition face both technology and market hurdles to access funding. Furthermore, the role of carbon offsets has come into question, with companies feeling compelled to adopt a “wait and see” approach while integrity concerns are resolved, rather than risk accusations of greenwashing. As a result, carbon markets are not scaling at the pace needed in order for companies to deliver on Net Zero commitments.


  • Why aren’t bankers busier? What are the barriers to accelerating debt and equity funding for new energy technologies?
  • What is the role for multilaterals in de-risking such technologies and mobilizing private capital?
  • Will carbon offsets ever really become the “Net” in Net Zero?
  • Do companies need a carbon markets strategy as part of their decarbonization plans?



Charles Bedford

Carbon Growth Partners

Founder and CIO

Charles Bedford is Chief Impact Officer and Founder at Carbon Growth Partners (CGP), a leading global investment manager in carbon finance. He’s also a Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prior to CGP, he served as Regional Managing Director for The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Asia Pacific Region and in a variety of other conservation leadership positions. Based in Hong Kong, Charles has worked closely with leaders and local communities across Asia, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand and Australia to advance climate, marine, freshwater and land conservation projects that benefit people and nature. He has also focused on building the capacity amongst the region’s business and government leadership to address complicated conservation problems.

Prior to joining TNC, Charles served as director of the Colorado State Land Board, overseer of 3 million hectares of state lands, was Legal Counsel to Colorado Governor Roy Romer and practiced law with the firm of Kutak Rock. He graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and holds a JD from the University of Colorado School of Law. He is a frequent commentator in the Asian press on conservation and climate issues, as well as the author of journal articles and a book on land tenure and conservation.

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