Alfred Weston

Alfred Weston

New Life Plastics Ltd

General Manager

Alfred Weston has worked for the Swire Group since 2011. He spent six years at Swire Pacific Offshore, mainly located in Singapore and Angola, three years at Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong, and three years with John Swire & Sons in Papua New Guinea, before joining New Life Plastics in September 2022.

New Life Plastics aspires to be a catalyst for change in the plastic bottle circular economy in Hong Kong. It is the first recycling facility of its kind in Hong Kong and is focused on recycling PET beverage bottles to a food-grade standard; this enables bottles collected in Hong Kong to be remade back into beverage bottles, closing the bottle-to-bottle loop.

My Sustainability Goal for 2024:

To improve the bottle-to-bottle recycling rate in Hong Kong.