CF Leung

CF Leung

Business Environment Council

Director – Operations

C F Leung is the Director – Operations at the Business Environment Council. With over 25 years of experience, CF has played a pivotal role in driving sustainability initiatives across the city.

In his current role at BEC, CF oversees a diverse portfolio of projects that span green building consultancy, energy and carbon auditing, waste management and auditing, award programs, funding initiatives, ESG strategy development, and stakeholder/tenant engagement. He is also a frequent speaker, delivering training to a wide range of audiences, from university students to senior management of corporations.

CF’s technical expertise and strategic leadership have been instrumental in guiding both public and private sector organisations towards environmentally responsible practices and net zero goals.

CF Leung 是商界環保協會的營運總監。 憑藉超過 25 年的經驗,CF 在推動香港的可持續發展措施方面擔當了關鍵角色。
於商界環保協會任職期間,CF 監督多元化的項目組合,包括綠色建築顧問、能源與碳審計、廢物管理與審計、獎勵及資助計劃、ESG 策略制定以及持份者/租戶參與。他亦經常擔任演講者,為從大學生到企業高級管理層的廣泛受眾提供培訓。
CF 的專業知識和策略領導力在引導公共和私營機構實踐環保責任和實現淨零目標方面發揮核心作用。

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Together, we are strong in the net zero journey.

