Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment
Christine Loh is Chief Development Strategist at Institute for the Environment at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Scholar in Residence at Asia Society Hong Kong (2023-24). She serves on the boards of CDP Worldwide, Global Maritime Forum, New Forests Pty Limited, and Towngas Smart Energy. She is a published author of many academic and popular works; her latest book is on COVID-19 from a global governance perspective.
My Sustainability Goals for 2024:
To help bring sustainability come ‘alive’ in class and in community.
Speaking at:
Day 1
Re-thinking the role of Finance in driving sustainability transition, addressing environmental and social considerations in supply chains The Retrofit Reinvention: Bridging the Gaps in Policy, Finance and Engineering Tomorrow’s City – Mechanisms in Creating Better Urban Places Unleashing Existing Buildings’ Potential for Decarbonisation