Eddie Tse

Eddie Tse

Gammon Construction

Group Sustainability Manager

Eddie has more than 26 years experience in construction and environmental field and specializes in sediment and land contamination assessment and remediation, carbon/energy management, renewable energy projects and waste/asbestos management.

He is the vice chairman of Environment Committee, Hong Kong Construction Association and member of Climate Change Business Forum of the Business Environment Council. He was appointed as a construction advisor in development of Construction Industry Council Carbon Assessment Tool and Sustainable Finance Certification scheme.  He is also appointed by Hong Kong Green Building Council to be a co-opted member of the Sustainable Development Committee, Climate Change Framework for Built Environment Embodied Carbon Expert Group member and Green Product Market Taskforce member.  Eddie is a member of UK CARES Assured Steel Certification Sustainability Technical Committee.

Eddie graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Canada, and has a Master of Science (Major in Environmental Engineering) degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Eddie is a Fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals, Certified Carbon Auditor (Cement/Steel/Concrete) under the CIC Green Product Certification Scheme, Certified Energy Manager/Carbon Audit Professional of US Association of Energy Engineer and a Qualified Project Assessor of BREEAM Infrastructure.  He is also a qualified assessor of CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme and a Certified ESG Analyst CESGA® of The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Caring nature and society while pursuing net zero goal