Fabrice Bayon

Fabrice Bayon


Managing Director Hong Kong

Fabrice Bayon is an executive manager, top 5 Executive MBA graduate from HEC, with 20 years’ expertise in the development and implementation of innovative, profitable, and sustainable policies.
Within PALO IT, he helps organizations to transform their ideas into digital added-value products, offering a crafted-end-to-end approach with fast-time delivery to market customers.

Fabrice also holds multiple roles at the French Chamber in Hong Kong, including being a Councillor and the President of the Digital Innovation Committee, where he oversees the chamber’s activities and shares market insights on digital and innovation.

He is a visionary and results-driven leader

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Promote Green IT Practices:
Advocate for more companies in Hong Kong to adopt green IT practices, such as using energy-efficient servers and promoting digital sustainability.

2. Beyond Mandatory ESG Regulations:
Encourage companies to go beyond meeting mandatory ESG regulations by enhancing their sustainability efforts, such as consistently tracking and improving their initiatives.

3. Increase Employee Engagement:
Advocate for more companies to host sustainability training programs specifically tailored for Hong Kong-based employees.