Gregg Li

Gregg Li


President and ED

Prof. Gregg Li – Systems Builder and Technopreneur

Gregg is the founding director and President of the Orion Astropreneur Space Academy (OASA) whose aim is to nurture future technopreneurs. Educated as a systems engineer and organizational and technology architect, Dr. Li has had over four decades of experience helping leading companies and enduring family businesses find common grounds for transformation and adopt management practices for hyper-change and growth. Having worked with, personally coached and mentored, high-flyers with global players while he was with Aon, American Express, Citibank, Protiviti, and PWC, he is now helping family businesses and government entities overcome their technology adoption and challenges.

In addition, as an organizational and technology troubleshooter, he has shared his know-how when he can, as an Adjunct Professor – such as with the University of Hong Kong, PolyU, CUHK, U. of Chicago, and Tsinghua University for example, since 1993. From time to time, he enjoys teaching on esoteric subjects like Applied Corporate Governance for Families, the Management of Technologies and Transformation, and Space Entrepreneurship.

Dr. Li has also been engaging in public service since his return to Hong Kong in the 90’s. He has served as a board member of Cyberport (2017 – 2019), of the Urban Renewal Authority (2015 – 2019), and of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (2021 – 2023). As an advisor, he has advised the Lab for Space Research at HKU (since 2021); the Tech London Advocates in London (since 2013), the Asian American MultiTech Association in PRD (since 2021), and a dozen tech start-ups in Asia. He has been an Academic Fellow of the International Council of Management Consulting Institute (Since 2020), a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Hong Kong (Since 2022); a member of the International Council of Washington University in St. Louis (2000 – 2012), and a Governance and Technology Board Advisor with Protiviti (2020 – 2022).

Dr Li is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, UCLA, HKU, and Warwick University. His applied research interests have ranged from complexity thinking, family business governance, innovation to systems leadership.



李博士向來是一位未來學家及顛覆革新者。他同時是位經驗豐富的連續創業家(serial entrepreneur)、初創企業教練、太空創業教授,與及跨國公司和家族企業的治理顧問。最重要的,他是青年領袖的培育家和投資者。他是一位「太空經濟企業家」(Astropreneur)。

李博士桃李滿門,他很多學生和學員正領導着麥肯錫,微軟和華為等全球頂尖企業。他退休前曾親自教授和指導怡安集團、美國運通、花旗銀行、IBM 和羅兵咸永道等國際知名企業中的成功人士;退休後仍繼續在不同大學執教及輔導,指導如太空經濟及創業等高深奧妙的科目。

在他的過百學員中, 有成為國際頂尖顧問公司合夥人,跨國企業的全球主管和初創企業的創辦人。他們和李博士同行,一起探索,一起改創經濟未來,讓 明天會更美好。

李博士是創星匯(OASA)創會主席、現同時是 香港大學太空科學碩士課程的客席教授,以及十多間智庫和大學的顧問。

李博士畢業於美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學文科學院, 並持有夏威夷大學經濟碩士學位、加州大學洛杉磯分校工商管理碩士學位,以及英國華威大學工程學博士學位及香港大學佛學研究碩士學位。