Iyla Davis

Iyla Davis

Network of Environmental Student Societies

Event Team Officer

Iyla is a second-year student at the University of Hong Kong studying a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, with a focus in Sustainability and Politics. Iyla previously studied at United World College Thailand, founding an environmental advocacy and beach cleaning organization and working on a provincial plastic-bag ban alongside the Phuket government. Through the youth-led organization, she managed and curated events to educate others about the importance of waste management to combat plastic pollution. Now, Iyla is a member of the NESS events team, collaborating on events such as the BEC x NESS Green Jobs Fair and Hong Kong Climate Emergency Summit, promoting climate literacy and career pathways in sustainability for Hong Kong youth.

My sustainability goals for 2024:

Overconsumption is a huge issue in Hong Kong, leading to excess waste and pollution. Recent trips to Sai Kung’s remote beaches have left me devastated, white sand barely visible underneath mounds of washed-up plastic waste. While ocean currents can transport others’ waste to our shores, it is a harsh reminder that disposal of waste does not equate to disappearance. While I am excited to see the potential impact of the new MSW charging scheme, I hope to see not only greater awareness about the volume of waste we produce individually, but for corporations to take responsibility for the waste they enable. I hope to see an accelerated transition towards low-impact, biodegradable packaging for businesses, and an increasing effort to prioritise environmentally conscious production to reduce stress on landfills.