Lizette McNeill

Lizette McNeill

IXO Partners

Managing Partner

Lizette is a Managing Partner of dynamic impact-driven decarbonization firm IXO Partners, headquartered in Hong Kong by two women civil engineers specialising in structural engineering (the ‘inside’) and façade design (the ‘outside’). Leveraging a combined 27 years of design-through-construction expertise, IXO Partners helps building industry stakeholders appraise and navigate ‘new normal’ carbon, circularity, and climate resilience risks for new and existing buildings.

Lizette is responsible for the ‘outside’ stream at IXO: façade design and consulting. Facades are complex systems, representing both significant embodied carbon and significant impact to operational carbon during their lifetime. Lizette’s deep understanding of façade materials, envelope thermal performance, modular systems, façade failures and remediation, construction contracts and supply chains, is derived from firsthand experience on local and international projects across APAC, Europe and the Middle East. In Hong Kong, she advocates for sustainable urban development as the Lead of the Net Zero Working Group at the Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and supports women in STEM as a past member of The Women’s Foundation (TWF) Advisory Council 2023-2024.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Mass adoption of practical and scalable decarbonization technology, particularly via the Hong Kong Green Tech Challenge
2. Updates to local Building Code regulation to permit engineering material and design innovations