Lynn Backe

Lynn Backe

The Purpose Business

Purpose, Sustainability Communications – Advisor

Lynn has more than two decades of combined consultancy and in-house communications and marketing experience across Asia and is passionate about helping brands tell responsible and compelling stories.

She has worked with business and public sector leaders across strategic comms, brand marketing, investor relations, stakeholder engagement and employee comms across a wide range of issues including but not limited to purpose and sustainability, corporate direction, social impact strategies and initiatives, crisis management, and M&A comms.

At The Purpose Business, her focus is on working with leaders on their sustainability communications and messaging, and is on the team spearheading Purpose programmes.

She is currently based in Hong Kong where she has lived for over 18 years.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Businesses moving beyond mere compliance and transforming their business models to be a purpose-driven organisation.
2. Business leaders pushing for the activation of purpose-driven governance and leading the way to evolve business as a force for good.