May Lau

May Lau

Director of Social Impact

May is a Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong and a seasoned professional in strategy planning, marketing, project management, and communications strategy.

Prior to joining Chow Tai Fook to drive the social impact strategy, May was the Head of Family Foundation at Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation and drives philanthropic impact for a brighter future via collaborative projects with partner organizations, as well as strategic philanthropy with its clients beyond grant-making. She is in charge to steer the foundation to illustrate the organization’s impact through co-creating research and study with the tertiary institutions and demonstrating and telling the impact story using publication and multi-media.

May is also a part time lecturer for Innovation in Philanthropy at the School of Management, Tung Wah College. Graduated from The University of Hong Kong, Master of Social Sciences (Non-profit Management), May is currently also a student of Doctor of Public Administration.

My sustainability goals for 2023:

  1. Promote inclusivity, specifically addressing to the ageing trends, facilitating intergenerational communication across generations in the corporate setting.
  2. Enhance employee wellbeing and increase community engagement and development initiatives at our Mainland and Hong Kong Office.
  3. Establishing robust internship and mentoring programs, enhance youth talent development and encourage innovation especially for the Jewels craftmanship.