Nic Fong

Nic Fong

Cathay Pacific

Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Programme Manager

Nic has been in the airline industry for more than 9 years working for multinational flagship airlines and now manages the B2B and B2C decarbonization commercial strategy for Cathay.

Nic has attended various conferences and events on aviation sustainability to share among and gain insights from the commercial community and airline peers. Tackling climate change is a difficult topic but Nic is dedicated to contribute for the industry and society to create a sustainable future.

Processing strong belief on making change for better life, Nic is looking forward to expressing his vision with wider public and encouraging everyone to join force on sustainability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

  • More people to get to know what is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
  • Travellers are willing to contribute to decarbonize air travel
  • More people to take sustainable practices in their daily life