Olivia To

Olivia To

Invest Hong Kong

Senior Vice President (Sustainability) Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Olivia To is Senior Vice President (Sustainability)Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Invest Hong Kong, the government department responsible for attracting and facilitating foreign direct investment into Hong Kong. She is a sustainability professional specializing in climate change and green technology.

She is an engineer by training, certified carbon auditor, carbon trader and WELL AP. In her previous role at the Environmental Protection Department of HKSARG, she worked with directorates to prepare Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and carbon accounting.

She holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering and management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a bachelor’s degree in Global Environmental Studies from the Education University of Hong Kong. She also serves as a Committee Member of the Energy Institute. As a rescue diver, she continues her passion in marine conservation at leisure.