Rachael Bedlington

Rachael Bedlington

Consul General

BA Joint Honours [East Asian Studies and Political Science], McGill University, 1990, Nanjing Normal University, 1992. Rachael Bedlington began her assignment as Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao in 2021, her fifth assignment with the Government of Canada in China. Previous China assignments included Minister (Commercial) at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, and Consul General in Guangzhou from 2015 to 2019. She has also served as Political Counsellor in Kuala Lumpur and as Chargé d’Affaires in Colombo. At Global Affairs headquarters in Ottawa, she has worked in divisions responsible for negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, for bilateral relations with India and Southeast Asia, for Human Rights Policy and Indigenous Affairs, and served as head of Canada’s Sudan and South Sudan Task Force, representing Canada at the Darfur Peace Agreement Implementation Follow-Up Commission and serving as Chair of the International Contact Group on Sudan and South Sudan.

My Sustainability Goals for 2023:

On a personal level, stop consuming single-use plastics.

On a professional level, continue efforts to connect Canadian firms with innovative technological solutions to new international partners for broader sustainability impact.

On a community level, engage in and encourage group activities that help support a greener future, to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.